
TheAstroboy9 Channel

Dedicated to the Arts and Sciences. My first experimental channel. The channel also includes some videos focused onto NDE experiences. This channel is rich in play lists created to be useful to you as well.

Product Information

The Astroboy9 Channel on YouTube is dedicated to the discovery of absolute truth through the arts, sciences and spiritual pursuits of the world. Designed to bringing healing to your heart, mind and body.

Follow me on a daily basis at my Facebook site. Provided below are links to other key sites where you can find me and learn more about me and my projects.

Also, take time to visit me at my eStore; KFFMenterprises where you’ll find cool products in the arts and sciences.

Thank you for your love and support when you make a purchase from me. If you need help with anything, I can be reached at my gmai account for all business inquiries.

Kevin F. Montague
Author, Scholar, Artisan & Scientist

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