TheAstroboy9 Channel
Added on Oct 3, 2017 in YouTube Channels
Dedicated to the Arts and Sciences. My first experimental channel. The channel also includes some videos focused onto NDE experiences. This channel is rich in play lists created to be useful to you as well.
Product Information

The Astroboy9 Channel on YouTube is dedicated to the discovery of absolute truth through the arts, sciences and spiritual pursuits of the world. Designed to bringing healing to your heart, mind and body.
Follow me on a daily basis at my Facebook site. Provided below are links to other key sites where you can find me and learn more about me and my projects.
Also, take time to visit me at my eStore; KFFMenterprises where you’ll find cool products in the arts and sciences.
Thank you for your love and support when you make a purchase from me. If you need help with anything, I can be reached at my gmai account for all business inquiries.
Kevin F. Montague
Author, Scholar, Artisan & Scientist
I offer some amazing products which range from original health care ebooks to original music, which I have written over my life time. Take special interest in THE MASTER'S KEY and AIRWOLF RETURNS - THE MOTION PICTURE. Take time to listen to the online radio interviews I've had on the internet as you learn about my two full death experiences and what lead to writing THE MASTER'S KEY. Read about the ebook under my Healthcare tab and make sure to purchase a copy of your own. It is full of cutting edge science to help you master you chronic disease issues.
Subscribing is easy too. When you subscribe, your name will be added to my personal website email list. I do not share the list with anyone. So I ensure your privacy. When you join my list, you are telling me you are interested in what I'm doing on this website and that you wish to be kept informed of future things taking place on the net through
Also, please note, I do keep an SSL certification current with this website, even though all purchases are made when you are redirected to other sites that are also SSL secure when you make a purchase. Your payment information won't be asked for until you purchae through those other sites who I do business with. These sites include,,, and In short, this website serves as a "hub" that re-directs you to the appropriate secure purchasing sites, once you find something you desire to purchase. With some browser URL search fields, you might see a message saying"Connection is not secure" in the URL address location field for the HOME page. Otherwise, you will see "Connection Secure" with the product pages of this website showing this site has a SSL certificate on it. Just remember, you will not be making direct purchases from this site anyway, but will be re-directed by any of the "green bars" you see on any of the offering pages of this website to a secure SSL site for a particluar purchase. My home page is very easy to understand and navigate through.
Feel free to visit my Youtube channels, especially my new one called "Beyond LIFE there is the LIGHT" where I talk about my two NDE experiences, what lead to those experiences and why I chose to come back to the Earth, when I didn't have to come back. I'm here to help the sick and dying learn how to get well. Check out the "Radio Interview" section on my Home page. Hear the interviews I've had to date. Thank you for your interest and for visiting me. Feel free to contact me at my business gmail account if you have any concerns or questions.
Kevin F. Montague
Author, Scholar, Artisan & Scientist
Subscriber Register & WordPress Login
My eStore Policy
My goal is to build your trust. I'm offering you products you will enjoy, need or desire. I'm always working to create a unique environment when you visit my site. I want you to feel relaxed when you purchase from me too. Some of you have told me you get nervous purchasing online. Please don't feel this way with me. I'm here to assist you to make your purchase and make sure you receive what you order from me.
I have been building up very good relationships with all the other companies I'm working with these days.All purchases are worked through very good companies I trust: Either,,,, and In short, this website serves as a hub to a number of different other sites of strong companies I trust.
Please know that to buy any of the original ebooks I offer, like THE MASTER'S KEY and PROSTATE RELIEF NOW, you will need a Paypal account to make the purchase. It cost nothing to sign up to Paypal and is easy to do. I don't use a shopping cart plugin with this site, but the site is always secure. The "https:" designation makes that clear and always makes sure to use that designation when searching for my website. Paypal is secure, so is, and so is
This site is constantly being improved by me as time permits. Feel free to contact me at my business gmail address, if you have any questions or concerns. When certain products are no longer being offered, I take them off the site and eventually make time to offer new offerings you may enjoy or need. I desire my site to be simple to understand. I want you to have fun looking through my original, unique product offerings. I've made it easy for you to make a purchase when you desire to buy. Why should life be any more complicated? BECOME A SUBSCRIBER!If you wish to become a SUBSCRIBER and receive my NEWSLETTERS, just go to the SUBSCRIBER REGISTER AND WORDPRESS LOGIN. Just put in your email address and pick a password, nothing more. I do my best to respect the privacy of my subscribers, but work to also keep them informed in interesting new products I come in contact with, which might interest you in your life.
The subscriber login will put you automatically onto the KFFMenterprises subscriber list! It's that simple! Enjoy your visit with me. If I can help in any way, just press the small KFFMenterprises logo below to activate the customer service email link. I look forward to serving you.
Kevin F. Montague
NOTE: product links and buttons
Once you are interested in a product and want to learn more about it, simply use the green CLICK HERE or BUY NOW buttons on each product offering page. You will then be taken to the main product offering page, so you can learn more or make a purchase on the main offering page. This website offers unique, original products not normally found anywhere else on the internet. Also this website serves only as a hub that will take you to the companies I'm working with that are offering my eProducts or tangible physical products.
A few of my product pages require that you make arrangements to pay me direct through PayPal, while I fulfill your order personally. You will need to contact me through my customer service email to make the order in such a case. I also accept donations, which I have received in the past by those who have taken time to get to know me and my story. Just use the Donation button in the right side bar to make a donation to my PayPal account to help me with my work. I'm here to help you with your purchase when you want to buy and also make it an enjoyable experience..
Have a question? Simply communicate to me through my customer service email address provided by using the square KFFMenterprises LOGO above, to active my CUSTOMER SERVICE email link.
How to register to make comments
To leave a comment, first become a subscriber to KFFMenterprises using the "Subscriber Register and Wordpress Login" panel above. Once you are registered, which takes you about 60 seconds, simply go down to the bottom of the product page you are interested in. On the lower left side of the page you will see the words "Leave a Reply". If you are not a subscriber yet, where it says; "You must be logged in to post a comment", click on the words "logged in" and you will be taken to the WordPress login screen, as another way to get registered, as a subscriber to KFFMenterprises.
Then select the word "Register". You can use the link below to access the Register screen also.
This will allow you to select a user name and your own personal password. Once the system approves you, which usually happens immediately, you will get your own profile page, with lots of neat simple features for you to work with, so you may leave comments. Don't forget to log out when you are done.
PLEASE KEEP IN MIND that once you register, you can expect to receive emails from me telling you about my offers on this website. Registration means you are interested in what I'm doing on this website and wish to be kept informed. You may of course unsubscribe from this website any time you wish. Thank you for visiting me at KFFMenterprises.
More great products yet to come to the store! Be watching!
KFFMenterprises Website Certification:
Please know this website is being protected by SSL at this time through my cpanel access to this site.
If you see the words "NOT SECURE" on your browser, like Chrome or Firefox, it is probably because you are not using "https:" when you look for my website Make sure to use "https:" not "http" when you look for my website on Google or any other search engine. You can feel safe that your information and email address are secure when you sigh up on this website to be added to my mailing list.
Also, understand that all purchases take place on other sites I refer you to, which are very secure sites. This site serves as a HUB to those other sites and never at any time is your personal information in jeopardy, even when you subscribe to this website. Thank you for your understanding.
Being a webmaster is very demanding. I'm constantly learning and making improvements to this site, while making sure all measures are being taken to keep this site secure for myself and all of you who visit me.
Kevin F. Montague
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