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The Master’s Book
with powerful knowledge, which will help you change
your health for the BETTER!
It’s not all quackery out there. You just need to know what works and why it does!
Making Sense of Integrative Medicine using
A master field-guide to understanding integrative medicine !!!
Take it on the bus, the plane or just read it at home. The softcover, paperback version available through
No one protocol will clear your body of chronic disease, the CDS/PD Process. It takes integrative medicine!
Learn what to use, what works and why it works…. when you read THE MASTER’S KEY!
This will truly open your mind and heart to real truth through man’s science!
Anytime you are ready to buy, just look for one of the group of three buttons on the page. The twoGREENbuttons will take you to where you can make an ebook purchase. THE MASTER’S KEY has two versions. The full version is 409 pages and the lesser version is 143 pages. I’m trying to help while considering what you can spend, while also helping me make this business successful.
Otherwise theBLUEbutton will take you to where you can buy the book in a beautiful soft cover, paperback edition which will be printed for you and mailed to you by BookBaby. The book comes with the cover being in full color; with a glossy finish. The contents are in beautiful, full resolution, lithographic black and white print! You can see what you are going to buy, just by looking at the banner at the top of the Bookbaby offering page, with the book spread out at the top of that landing page. The book originally started many years ago as an ebook with the contents being in full color, which you can still buy through who services my ebooks, if you prefer. The print sold through Bookbaby these days, does not have the contents in color because it is cost prohibitive through On-Demand publishing to do so. Also, color is not needed for most of the images in the book you’ll see as you read and learn from the book. Presently, the current printing price has found a good middle ground, concerning the costs for both my audience, Bookbaby and myself.
Hear this second interview by clicking on the image to take you to Coast to Coast AM.
Also, for those of you you who wish to order in THE MASTER’S KEY TO UNLOCKING AND MASTERING CHRONIC DISEASE for your BOOK STORE.
Here is the ISBN number: 978-1543996821
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UPDATE: 11/19/2019 – Online Radio Talk Show Interview with George Noory hosting Coast to Coast AM as he interviews Kevin F. Montague !!!
Kevin Montague tells some of the details behind his two full Near Death Experiences as well as some of the horrible journey his health had to travel. He tells how it all lead to him writing THE MASTER’S KEY TO UNLOCKING AND MASTERING CHRONIC DISEASE!
(This is a 2 hour interview you will enjoy)
Listen to Hour 3 and Hour 4 on the Coast to Coast AM Page. Just click on the caption link below and it will take you to the full audio page.
UPDATE: 10/23/2017 Online Radio Talk Show Interview: Jonathan Landsman interviews Kevin F. Montague !!! (This is a 34 minute interview you will enjoy!)
Click on image below!
Jonathan Landsman
One of my eBooks Has a New Title! UPDATE SUMMARY OF THIS PAGE: 5-12-2017
I completed a new proof reading of my 411 page version of one of my ebooks. After 3 months of proofing and updated writing, I’m releasing a new revision of my work; originally titled CHRONIC DISEASE SYNDROME/PREMATURE DECOMPOSITION PROCESS/CDS/PD PROCESS and then THE SOLVING OF THE CHRONIC DISEASE SYNDROME. The new 411 page edition comes with a new title as well.
The new title is THE MASTER’S KEY TO UNLOCKING AND MASTERING CHRONIC DISEASE. So if you have seen ads under the old titles, just know you have found the same book, but under a new title. As a new proofed edition, you will learn much from the updated version and enjoy what you are about to read! This book will also get you started with the protocols you need to pursue, if you are to enjoy real success in changing your biological terrain.
Presently there are two versions of the one book: One is a much scaled down 143 page version titled CHRONIC DISEASE SYNDROME/PREMATURE DECOMPOSITION PROCESS/CDS-PD PROCESS. Then there is the full 411 page version of the ebook now titled THE MASTER’S KEY TO UNLOCKING AND MASTERING CHRONIC DISEASE.
The field of publishing is moving fast and furiously into On-Demand publishing!
This means more and more hard copy book fairs and trade shows are being phased out in favor of On-Demand publishing through the Internet. On-Demand is a fancy name for ebook distribution and it allows for instant gratification, globally, for the customer, through the Internet. It also makes it possible for a publisher, not to have to carry large inventories and pay storage costs, while waiting for marketing efforts to pay off. The books offered on this website page would not be possible to offer in the form of global distribution, without the technology behind On-Demand publishing.
So it serves the customer and the publisher better in the long run, while allowing information, which would not otherwise get into the hands of the public, more easily accessible globally, like the ebooks you are going to read about on this presentation page.
Do keep in mind; if you love a hard copy to cuddle up with when you read, you will be able to print either of the two books talked about here on your printer and have either bound in hard copy form at most publication fulfillment houses, especially if you live in the United States.
If you live in the United States, one of the best known national publishing fulfillment houses is FED-EX/KINKOS. Look for them in your area, if you live in the United States, when looking for someone to bind your printed ebooks for you. It cost me about $5 to bind THE MASTER’S KEY with either spiral or vello binding. Just ask for a clear cover on the front and a vinyl cover on the back when you have it bound. Here are examples to show you what such a service can do for you at very low cost after you print the pages of your new ebook.
THE MASTER’S KEY with clear front cover & vello bound spine – Done at local Fed Ex Kinkos
THE MASTER’S KEY with blue vinyl back cover & vello bound spine – Done at local Fed Ex Kinkos
THE CDS/PD PROCESS with clear front cover & spiral bound spine – Done at local Fed Ex Kinkos
CDS-PD PROCESS with black vinyl back cover & spiral bound spine – Done at local Fed Ex Kinko
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I take care of the pass codes from my end,which are changed regularly to prevent pirating of my original works in the free global market place.
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Western medicine can’t cure the corona virus, BUT Electro-medicine can do it!
THE MASTER’S KEY To Unlocking and Mastering Chronic Disease. The softcover, paperback version available through
There is no other health science book like THE MASTER’S KEY on the face of the Earth!
My 20 year journey dealing with the Chronic Disease Process lead to this amazing new book, taking our science into the next 40 years, yet to come, on how the whole CFS/Fibromyalgia syndrome works. Both are forerunners of cancer. A must read, if you are lost and your doctors have given up on you! Anytime you are ready to make a purchase, just click on the provided green PayHip buttons.
There are two passages from the Christian Bible that to me have their place in man’s sciences. The first one I’d like to recall is the one that reads “the life of the flesh is in the blood” (Leviticus 17:11 – The Holy Bible – KJV) and the second one is “My people perish for a lack of knowledge . . .” (Hosea 4:6 – The Holy Bible – KJV) Let’s start there on this presentation page?
If you are a person suffering from chronic health issues that will not resolve and you have been to your western doctors for help, only to find they have few, if no answers for you, then you need this eBook. The knowledge you are about to be exposed to is not a “too good to be true” story which made this knowledge possible. This is about a story that unveils new insights into organic life, using today’s science to unmask such connections. This unveiling process took 20 years to accomplish, and did not come about overnight, which is why it is not a “too good to be true” story, but an honest story revealing a myriad of new connections mankind needs at this hour in his history and also knowledge that is long overdue on this planet. For truly “My People perish for a lack of knowledge” says Hosea 4:6. It’s a nice way to telling man how ignorant he is in life and how in need of knowledge he is: But not just knowledge per say, but correct knowledge, which is how absolute truth is defined.
My story fights against the politics of the day; and gives answers that have been held back in our research sciences, since 1906, when the FDA first was chartered into existence. Both eBooks will change your vision in the way you look upon chronic disease and how it works inside your body. THE MASTER’S KEY will take you further as you start to learn the protocols needed to gain real results in changing your biological terrain. This is revolutionary thinking I’m revealing. This is knowledge that would have been searched out and understood long before now, if the world medical system had not gone solely toward drugs and surgery since 1906, as an answer to manage health issues. I’m 18 years short of being as old as the FDA at age 60. If the money had been put toward understanding the holistic and “alternative” approaches, many of these other methods would now be part of main stream medicine. While Western medicine’s approach of using drugs, along with surgery, to help save lives is subject to the issues of trauma and congenital disorders (birth defects); their approach of drugs and surgery is hopeless, when it comes to dealing with all forms of deadly chronic diseases, especially cancer. Why is that so? Well….
The idea of creating drugs was first started by Dr. Paul Ehrlich, who lived mostly in the mid to late 1800’s. Medicine back then was abysmal, but growing in its understanding. Unlike today, researchers were not restricted to their explorations either, so even private researchers, like myself, were respected, if they could prove their work justly through documentation. Ehrlich had the idea of creating what he called “magic bullets” by which to attack disease. This idea came to him during his time, while studying dyes, by which micro organisms could be seen trough a microscope for the first time, which had never been done before. The first microbe he isolated was the syphilis bacteria, which was a deadly killer, along with gonorrhea. Both were sexually transmitted diseases and did a lot to kill off humanity in their day. Ehrlich was able to finally treat syphilis by creating an arsenic based antibiotic called Formula 606 known as arsphenamine (Salvarsan), which was very successful with most cases in clearing the syphilis bacteria from the body. Eventually, this lead to the modern day sulfur drugs (sulfonimides) and the genetically engineered ones. While antibiotics are good for attenuating (lessening) bacteria and protozoa’s only, they are extremely limited in being of benefit to clearing other forms of parasites in the body. Never at any time was the idea of changing the biological terrain approached, even in Ehrlich’s work. However, when Ehrlich did contract syphilis through his handling of contaminated materials, his peers sent him off to a dry climate, with good food and rest to defeat the syphilis bacteria, which they did not tell their patients of the time would clear the bacteria from the body. Imagine that? The doctors of that day would not tell their patients this truth, because it was not good for business. This lines up with Dr. Joel Wallach’s book “Dead Doctors Don’t Lie”, meaning doctors lie all the time for the sake of keeping cash flow coming into their business. Ehrlich’s work is important if you are to understand why antibiotic are losing their hold on the diseases they once use to clear from the body.
In my new book you will learn how the body gets adulterated on its own and how drugs can not navigate such adulteration once created. Today’s western doctors don’t see they are sending their drugs into bodies heavily polluted from a process never before identified nor understood, which is neutralizing the efficacy of the drugs they use. They can’t see that if they would simply work on helping the patient clear their body of this self created adulteration, then the drugs might help give some comfort at least. But adulteration of the body is not limited to environmental pollution either or by what we eat. No, not at all: Something more incredible is going on in the body, as it becomes adulterated, which required me giving the process a new name: The CDS/PD Process. You will learn about this process in my new book titled THE MASTER’S KEY TO UNLOCKING AND MASTERING CHRONIC DISEASE.
One of the things you have to understand about Western medicine is that they are not set up to cure anyone of anything, when it comes to chronic disease issues. As Dr. Robert C. Beck said, while he was developing the Beck protocol; “a patient healed is a customer lost”. For this reason; western doctors offer drugs. The word drug means to “mask” or “cover up”. From the Greek comes the word “pharmacia” which means “a form of sorcery” from where the word pharmaceutical comes from. Yet even the FDA and AMA in the United States, as well as most health care organizations globally, have built their tremendous wealth off this form of medicine or sorcery. Then, when you fall apart enough from the process that is going on inside your body, they offer you their surgeries, until they finally kill you, getting the maximum amount of money they can from you. Death and the process of death is big business globally. It always has been throughout man’s history. Man has made all that is related to his mortality a money making business over time. You can’t understand how all societies work until you see this basic truth about man and how he manages the planet.
While death can not be avoided in life, drugging chronic disease symptoms, while deliberately providing no answers, for ongoing profit and gain, has to be the most profound evil going on with our planet today. Even antibiotics, in my book, should be reclassified under a new category as “parasite attenuators” not “drugs”; for in truth, antibiotics do save lives, but their application is pointless against the chronic disease syndrome of the body, which you will learn about in my manuscript titled “Chronic Disease Syndrome/Premature Decomposition Process:CDS/PD Process”.
This book will help you start to learn how to use all the different healing arts and orchestrate them together toward one primary goal that will truly help get you well, no matter what you are fighting in your body in the way of chronic disease. While integrative medicine is a major line of thought when dealing with chronic disease, understanding how to use the alternatives these days apart form main stream medicine has been sadly lacking, simply because there is no big money to be made in the holistic arts as far as western medicine is concerned. I want to start you off with the right scientific knowledge. No other book before mine has come along to introduce what you are going to learn in this amazing work I’ve done to unveil this thing. Because of the new knowledge, it is possible to propose a master key approach to healing all diseases in the body. This was even something Dr. Hulda Clark was working on before she died, but I caught the vision before she did and was many steps ahead of her as I was writing it all down.
Outside of great diagnostic tools, great ability to do surgery and some good antibiotics, western medicine is held hostage at the hands of all chronic disease issues involving organic life on this planet, with man being no exception.
Twenty-two years ago, you started to hear the word CFS on chat boards like and In fact, I was the one to introduce the topic of pH of the body on where you could find me teaching and saving lives. One of the gals on that chat board eventually started posts on Curezone, addressing the subject of pH. However, the CDS/PD Process is more than an issue of the pH for discussion…so much more. The real issues of chronic disease do not fully depend on pH to set the body right, but it is the key to getting your body well. My new book “Chronic Disease Syndrome/Premature Decomposition Process:CDS/PD Process” will teach you more. this one hour video presentation titled “Let’s Talk Chronic Disease”, as I go into the truth to what medicine has become today in the free markets of the world.
UPDATE: 2-15-2015: As you look at the video below, keep in mind that the book titled THE SOLVING OF THE CHRONIC DISEASE SYNDROME, which was 324 pages, has been renamed to THE MASTER’S KEY TO UNLOCKING AND MASTERING CHRONIC DISEASE. The new edition is now 411 pages and no longer 324 pages. This means you are getting 87 more pages of information with the upgraded version of the master 411 page ebook.
Time to start thinking of what you are buying into with Western Medicine.
THE FDA AND CIRCULAR 34: If you have viewed this video presentation and if you think I’m making this up concerning the FDA’s violation of the U.S. Constitution, Title 17; concerning U.S. copyright law, take a look for yourself at Circular 34, shown to the right, which is part of the U.S. copyright laws. Note that the laws states it is against the law to claim copyright over a phrase or single word, yet the Western medical system uses the word “cure” like they own it, which is a flagrant violation of Constitutional law! We are talking hypocrisy to the max, because those they have thrown in jail over the use of this word “cure” were unjustly charged, when the FDA itself was the one in violation of the laws of the system they function inside of in the United States. You can’t even use a medical term on Google Adwords as a keyword, unless you give your medical license to the computer. The FDA, first charted by Theodore Roosevelt in 1906, owes in back payments fines to the U.S. copyright office as well as compensation to all of those they have unjustly put into jail over the use of the word “cure”, not to mention the use of any medical word where they proclaim ownership over such words and phrases. Those in violation of the this part of Constitutional law working out of the FDA should have also been jailed decades ago and not the people who were doing good work as health care professionals who were jailed simply because they would not play inside the box the FDA created. There are many good alternative technologies and approaches that work and save lives when dealing with chronic disease issues, even trauma. Such technologies and approaches have been sequestered or suppressed from public knowledge for the sake of promoting drugs and surgery. Too often the causes of chronic disease are addressed solely through drugs while not addressing the state the biological terrain of the body is in which is a state that can be changed. That is the purpose of my new book THE MASTER’S KEY TO UNLOCKING AND MASTERING CHRONIC DISEASE.
THE MASTER’S KEY to Unlocking and Mastering Chronic Disease. The softcover, paperback version available through
I spent years working with those lost people on the chat board, while helping to open their minds to how the chronic disease process works. How did I learn it? Well my background is heavy in the arts and sciences, even at the University level of learning. I was born a boy scientist and artisan who also loves to compose music. I’ve been learning how things work in the creation ever since I was in my crib. Then one day I walked into a local grocer at age 37. Vons Supermarket was the store in question, where I bought contaminated sausage that sent me down a hellish path where I lost all my health over time. My western doctors could not figure it out and finally after three years of their drugs and surgeries, they gave up on me and told me to put my affairs in order, while giving me a short time to live.
As I left, Dr. Nechemiah Peleg’s office, who was my primary care physician at the time. I went to my car and bowed my head in prayer asking God for help. I then drove home. What followed from there is a long story which will be the topic for another great book I desire to write that will tell my horrendous story. The title I have chosen is WHEN MY DOCTOR TOLD ME. In the past 9 years, I have been helping people to learn what I finally learned that saved my life. It was no walk in the park to do what I did to save my own body. I had to read hundreds of thick health science books, medical books and thousands of scientific abstracts while bed ridden all the time, as I made new connections and new discoveries to how the body works. How I managed to not die right away would have to be told in my book titled WHEN MY DOCTOR TOLD ME. It has been a hellish journey too. During the years, CFS got renamed to Fibromyalgia, which in my view does not accurately capture the way the full process of CFS works. Once I had fully defined it and collected the proof in some documented case studies, I renamed the process the CDS/PD Process; which means CHRONIC DISEASE SYNDROME/PREMATURE DECOMPOSITION PROCESS. It is a two sided complex syndrome/process of algorithms separated by a simple conditional transfer I’ve named “magnetic inference”. Even though the body can switch from two different states back and forth; from good health versus chronic illness, the reasoning needed to get a body out of it all, over time, is easier to grasp than you may suspect or even think; once the syndrome/process is properly defined.
During my long many year battle to save my life, I did die for the second time in my life, at age 44. This time I traveled to heaven after leaving my body, which was a grand experience. I didn’t have to come back. Jesus is quite real too.
I did not have to return, but was asked to do something for our Lord based on all the prayers He’s been receiving from all of you, who are chronically sick, dying and need help. From both NDE experiences, I came back with insight that helped me bring together man’s science more in alignment with God’s ultimate absolute truths, concerning the laws that govern the creation. Both experiences greatly helped me with my exploratory work on the Earth leading to the first new book I’m offering.
What now follows is an interview I had with Carol Punt, who is with a company called “Sharing Health From the Heart”, who came to visit me in my home back in 2003. The interview was filmed and was actually a few hours long, but only 15 minutes of that long interview was used by Carol and her people to help them promote the Bob Beck technology. She was kind enough to share a copy with me for this website. Sharing Health From the Heart is part of the SOTA Corporation, run by Russ Torlage. I served as a consultant to Russ a while back when a problem came up with their WOZ5 Ozonator. They cater to selling the entire Beck devices for the Beck protocol. So only the parts where I reference the Beck protocol are in this interview.
Just know there is more to all of this in my book, than just the Beck protocol. Still, the Beck protocol makes for a great low cost place to start, as you learn to raise the electron load of your body, which is critical to achieving the results you’ll see in a little while, as I show you live cell blood exams that will startle you, if you know that achieving these results is impossible from the viewpoint of western medicine… short of a blood transfusion. I actually teach you how to transform your old blood into young blood again.
Interview with Carol Punt from Sharing Health from the Heart.
THE MASTER’S KEY to Unlocking and Mastering Chronic Disease. The softcover, paperback version available through
The Beck protocol is a good place to start, but there is more behind fixing chronic disease than what the Beck protocol has to offer. Oxygen therapy is a great help also. So is supplementing with electron load. These are all part of what will be needed if you want to change your biological terrain and escape chronic disease. However, if you don’t understand the process going on in your body, you will not know how to orchestrate or integrate ALL the alternatives together, without the knowledge in this book.
Reading this book will open your mind to what Integrative Medicine is really all about and why things must be done a certain way, if you are to have successful results. But you can’t do integrative medicine, unless you know what you are fighting and what has gone wrong in your body’s biological terrain. The biological relationships that define the CDS/PD Process you will learn in this book are not known by your Western doctors….not yet anyway. I’m a private scientist and University graduate who was appalled at what I was put through by western medicine in the first 3 years of my battle to save my life after eating contaminated sausage that sent me down a pathway of discovery for my life. This book will totally change the vision you have concerning disease and greatly affect your therapy decisions
as you navigate your way to better health using all the alternatives.
If you realize you have to take control of your own health care and not readily depend on your western doctors, then read on and let me share more with you.
Below is a list of many of the severe symptoms and complications I was going through. Pretty well most of them have been mastered to date except for some large myofacia tumors that formed in the small of my back proving to be inoperable. These days those are down to the size of a quarter or fifty cent piece on each side of my back. No drugs are being used to gain the results I might add and no chemo or radiation. If you can see yourself in the symptoms written below, then you need my new eBook to help educate you more, so you can see what you really are going to need to do to regain your health, even if you have gone as far as cancer in your life’s journey. Keep in mind the list you are about to read went on for many years. Each complication after the next kept building up on the list, until it lead to my death at age 44. I’ve had two full death experiences in my life. First at 25 and then at age 44. I finally prepared three videos that share the story of those events and can be seen on my YouTube channel TheAstroboy9 channel. I’ve added one of the videos in this presentation page which is listed down below. I tell a summary of my story which lead to the second NDE experience. I don’t know why Raymond Moody called such experiences Near Death Experiences back in the 1970’s, because there is no “near death” anything about the experience. Your body dies and your body is dead, but you go on, only to learn you are part of something far grander than you can even begin to imagine. Your beliefs die in death too, because they are replaced by absolute truth finally.
List of Life Threatening Complications
2 years of intense acute unbearable testicular pain Adrenal deficiency Advanced somatid proliferation Anal ring worm, severe case around anal opening Arthroscopic knee surgery on left knee Blood was anemic, chaining together (rouleau) and decomposing Brain Fog Problems Breaking down of skin tissue on scalp. Burns appearing on face (Rosacea) and spurs on feet Chronic deep purple fungal rash around the anal opening Chronic reactive arthritis Coastal Chondritis (Chronic involuntary spasms in the rib cage area) Congested lymph nodes in the neck area Cranial seizures during sleep Crones Disease Daily debilitating chronic fatigue (CFS) Easy tearing of cuticles on fingers – and toes due to severe sulfur deficiency Eczema on toes and scalp and behind ears Elevated liver enzyme levels (SGOT, SGPT, GGOT) Encephalitis and crushing pain around cranial head area for two years Extensive internal and external hemorrhoid surgery Extra chronic systole heart beats Fibromyalgia (muscular pain) Fibromyositis (body wide inflammation) Formation of extremely painful lesion – in right foot making it impossible to walk Formation of extremely painful lesion – on tailbone that would not clear Fungal infiltration into gums GItract flora imbalance and candidas overgrowth in Gitract Hardening of tissues on knee surface – which would burn when kneeling heart attacks in sleep Heavy bile stone accumulation in Gitact Heavy calcium stone accumulation in liver Heavy coating of thrush on tongue that would never resolve Hemorrhoids forming Hiatal Hernia Kidney Stone Massive tumor formations in small of back – going into the spinal cord seen on MRI scans Melanoma growth on left ear Needed heater of his car and house going at 100 degrees Fahrenheit – because of poor circulation problems Numbness in hands and feet all the time – due to poor circulation from rouleau of blood painful esophageal spasms Pancreatic enzyme deficiency and hypoglycemia Passing of 5,000 helminthes (parasitic worms) Radio Frequency Ablation to correct SVTs Severe 6 inch tear of left trapesius muscle of his neck – unable to balance his head for 5 years. Steady bleeding ulcerated colitis Tearing of left medial meniscus in left knee requiring surgery Trouble catching a good breath all the time (COPD) Hard tumors covering lower lumbar area on both sides of the lower back Tumor on left wrist about 1in in size tumorous growth on tongue (cancer) Two tachycardias (SVTs) requiring conversion – using adenocord via paramedic assistance Unexplainable thyroid deficient Herniated disc (L5) Inguinal hernias Hiatal hernia
The list goes on.By now you can see why I died with all of this going on? This was my second full NDE at age 44. The first one happened at age 25. Both NDEs were extensive experiences. What I saw, not to mention the knowledge that poured into me in death, is the subject of another book someday….if I finish living so long. It was enough to write this first book I’ve titled THE MASTER’S KEY and find a way to get it into the world given the publishing business is going toward “on-demand-publishing”. After my primary care physician told me to go home, giving me less than six months to live, after telling me there was nothing more western medicine could do for me, I met a man by the name of Dr. Rick Santee, ND. That relationship will be talked about in the near future in my new book to be titled WHEN MY DOCTOR TOLD ME. Now watch this video, taking you from my first live cell blood exam, which western doctors don’t use as a diagnostic tool, to where I am today. This transformation of the blood was done without a blood transfusion, but was done using an amazing line of reasoning offered no where else on the planet, except in my work at present. This is cutting edge science and reasoning also.
THE MASTER’S KEY to Unlocking and Mastering Chronic Disease. The softcover, paperback version available through
My condition had gotten so badthat it lead to the second full death encounter in my life at age 44. The first happened at age 25. Here is a video of me telling some of the testimony of my 2nd full death encounter and a more detail description of the events that lead to my death. Please understand, those of you who think these death encounters are either from the brain shutting down or the spinal cord shutting down and that all of it is illusion and non-sense, are sadly mistaken. We are all part of something far grander than you can even begin to possibly imagine.
I have spent 10 long years writing down the science I had learned while working with the sick and dying, so this knowledge can be available to you, who are lost and whose doctors are lost to the whole CFS and Fibromyalgia disease process, as well as all the other diseases, especially cancer. You learn in my work that cancer is not a disease and the sooner western doctors see this, they will see why their failure rate is a high 80% most of the time. You can not find the revelation discourse revealed in this book any where else on this planet right now. I’ve rewritten this book a few hundred times, over the past 10 years, before settling on this current final master. The rewriting has proven necessary, because I kept working with the many different mind sets and backgrounds in the world, who need to be taught what I know, as I assisted people to learn to get well on their own. Finding a middle ground of language where I could teach professional, as well as layman patient, was not an easy challenge. Most who read the current final work tell me I did a really great job with it all, but if I had the money right now, I’d hire an illustrator to work with me and do a different layout design to help present the knowledge in an even better way. When I started writing this book, it first started as an abstract which was set up in my word processor in many sections. I then worked to expand each section and add new sections as I focused on any particular section I was focused on from day to day. For now this current representation of my findings will have to do, because I’m not a rich man. Most scholars are not wealthy, you should know, and we struggle to bring truth into the world, just the same as most musicians do, who write their music. Very few become acclaimed in the arts and sciences in this world who are then showered with wealth. No one is supporting me with the money right now, so I must charge the prices I’m charging to meet certain funding goals or I won’t be able to do more writing and there is lots more to write and tell.
I come from a totally different generation at my age and I’m 62 years old. In the 1960’s the Bible was taught in the public schools, as well as the private Christian schools. I realize this would sound foreign to those of you who are young and did not grow up in my generation. But I did not find the teachings a detriment to my scientific training. In fact, I found the teachings of great benefit, especially after my two NDEs at age 25 and age 44. My public school science teachers taught us that science should vindicate God’s word as the Creator. So there was no question, even from the public school viewpoint, there was a master Creator behind the Universe. The purpose of science was to help us understand the Creator better and what kind of Creator made it all. These days its the opposite where people hate you, if you even mention God when talking about science, yet I thought both science and God were on the same team; growing up as a boy?
In my first death encounter, I was introduced to what God really is as a formless ocean of light, consciousness and love that became it all. Even Jesus and the one He calls the Father are part of the collective consciousness of the one Light that became it all. It’s all a form of Pantheism, but with a personal side to it, not an impersonal side like the original definition denoted when the word “pantheism” was first coined. Christians call this Light the “Holy Spirit” of God or the “Entire Spirit” of God. Hindus call the Light “Vishnu” and the Jews call it “Gilgal” or “the well of souls”. It’s all different words for the one same reality when you die. All of us came out of that one Light. The entire creation is suspended inside the one we call God. The Universe is afloat inside the one we call God, who has no name and no form, but is pure Light and consciousness. When you know this, then you can re-evaluate Einstein’s equation of E=mc2 and see “E” as God, which split itself into “m” (mass) and “c” (light or forms of light). The void of space I learned was created when the Light, we call God, withdrew itself to reveal the void we call space and then made all that is, out of the part that withdrew, which was reduced down into matter, which became the planets and suns and such. This is how the big picture works, which I got to see for myself in death. All I lost was my physical body in death. I continued to exist because I never was my body in life anyway. I was always part of the one Light merely using a physical body for a short time. All of you reading this are part of the one same reality which is an absolute truth you’ll relearn when you die. Because I was exposed to this knowledge, it caused me to redefine the Periodic Chart of Elements. I no longer saw it as a chemical chart, but instead as a chart of structured light particles that have consciousness and when strung into a lattice, take on more complex consciousness, like the body that is on loan to you from the Light we call God. You are really two consciousnesses. One is a being made of light interfacing with a body made of mass and light. Yet there is a third consciousness which is the Light itself. Perhaps I’ll explain it all one day in a new book I hope to title “Beyond LIFE there is the LIGHT”.
Update: 5/12/2017
I have recently started a new YouTube channel I’ve titled “Beyond LIFE there is the LIGHT”. Subscribe now by going to this link so you will be notified when I’m uploading a new teaching video to help transform your beliefs into real truth.
THE MASTER’S KEY to Unlocking and Mastering Chronic Disease. The softcover, paperback version available through
Well, I’m too old to change my viewpoint, nor do I need to conform to what the world thinks is politically correct, for it is this viewpoint of even the spiritual truths that helped me unravel the science that saved my life in the end, which I reveal in THE MASTER’S KEY. It is not that I’m obtuse in my thinking, because my years find me transcending the way this world thinks. It is the world systems I’ve learned that are obtuse and inflexible. This is true because the main focus in on the economies of the world: Ways to keep people working in the medical systems and keep the cash flow coming in. Your life and my life are expendable to these systems and I’m coming from heavy experience having traveled through them when I tried to save my life, before my doctors told me to go home and die. It’s clearly obvious to me that there is a Creator and I got shown it all in the first NDE what God really is and who Christ really is, which is knowledge that is above what the Church’s know these days. Still, if I had not had the two NDEs, I would not be able to help the living who are seeking out answers to their problems using man’s science to see how the laws of the creation really work. While I keep my work heavily on the science side of things with my new book. I do bring up key insights in my spiritual experiences from death, that I find helpful in my teachings, which I think you will enjoy, as you learn the connections from me.
See now another documented case study. If you think this only applied to me, see the same dramatic changes take place, showing the blood of Kathryn Saunders, one of my documented case studies. I did the same thing to guide her with her blood and body’s living water systems. I taught her the knowledge you will read in my ebook. Again, keep in mind, as you watch her blood change, no blood transfusion was done to make these changes. What was happening was her biological terrain was changing, as her “light load” or electron load, rose in her body, which is more than the topic of the pH levels of the body. This is quite fascinating; to watch adulterated blood and body fluids be transformed, over time, which is something western doctors are taught can NOT be done. What they have been taught is a lie. In fact, all western doctors are taught that if the blood is anemic and full of fungus, it is a guaranteed death sentence for their patient. Pay particular attention to her dry cell blood photos. Initially you see her initial dry cell photo showing blood that is burning up from it’s own acid load, with too much carbonation going on, as the blood tissues are dying and yet a serum report would say the blood was normal, thus deceiving the doctor receiving the report. At the end of this short presentation, notice how pink the blood tissues have become, as it has been transformed during the course she walked her body through, so her body could start to heal itself. Western doctors do blood transfusions, because they are taught in medical school, what I know to do, is impossible to do. Even if a transfusion is done, the blood only becomes corrupted again in about six months, because the CDS/PD Process, which is the underlying cause, has not been shut down.
The CDS/PD Process is a simple conditional transfer separating two complex algorithm processes in the body. Switched on, it is death to the body. Switched off, it is life restored to the body. While death is also regulated by the DNA/brain relationship that governs aging in all species on the planet, no one says you have to die from the CDS/PD Process being triggered into the “on” switch while you are still alive. Light load acts as the on/off switch I call magnetic inference behind how the thing is turned on or off, which you’ll read about in my new book. Magnetic inference is what defines the conditional transfer relationship between both complex processes in the body of good health versus dying health or chronic sickness. Those who get stuck in this syndrome/process usually waste their money on supplements trying to replenish all the deficiencies this process creates in the body, including the human growth hormone, and they never do get well. The CDS/PD Process must be shut down first, before all restorative measures will work to rebuild the body. Now watch heavily adulterated blood, which has become old and full of death, be transformed to young blood again, as Kathryn applies what she learned from me and also what you’ll learn when you buy my new book teaching the CDS/PD Process and how it works.
THE MASTER’S KEY to Unlocking and Mastering Chronic Disease. The softcover, paperback version available through
Anyone who tells you that you will be well, from what you are seeing in this presentation, in days or weeks, even using oxygen therapy is not telling you the truth or they just are not heavily experienced in the study of this thing. I was the first to try this insight on my own body, but it took time to unveil the mystery of how it all works. My experience in working with the chronically sick and those who are dying, proves out that it takes a number of years, using today’s alternatives, to get the body back to normal again. The patient also has to be aggressive each day in using the correct alternatives to gain the results you are seeing in these videos. Most blindly use the alternatives based on anecdotal heresay and talk; to try and regain their health.
All the more reason why I wanted some documented case studies, besides my own documentation concerning my own body, to prove how this thing works and just how long it takes to really get results. You’ll notice the time duration between each live cell exam in the videos being presented on this webpage? Notice the time it is taking to gain the results? Nothing happens overnight using today’s alternatives. Try to understand that even if you are fighting cancer, you didn’t just suddenly develop cancer overnight. It was building in your body, until your first tumor formed.
Cancer is seen in this world as a disease, but I will prove to you in my book that it is not a disease, but a natural process of the body used to break the body down, as it goes into the death and decomposition process, while you are still alive. Cancer is only a disease, if you are still alive, while the process is activated, otherwise it is the natural process the body uses to preserve the life force of the body into the soil and back into the food chain again, as an unending cycle to keep life happening on this planet. If western doctors would see this about cancer, then the new machines I propose in my book that can clear cancer in minutes, not years or never, would have been developed a long time ago. As for now I’m only proposing them based on the knowledge proposed in my new book.
I’m not being supported financially in all of this either, so I can’t promise when or ever if I’ll live long enough to write down all I know or how to build such machines. I certainly can’t change the DNA code that has some say over how long we are to live, but no one says you have to live and die from chronic sickness either.
The world is full of skeptics and not visionaries like myself I’ve learned over a life time. So it is hard for scholars like me to get you, the public, to support me and the work that I’m doing. Such is the politics of the day. If it wasn’t for the Internet, there would be no way for me to promote such a work as this. I’m risking all I have financially after nearly 60 years of living, because I see how important this new knowledge is to our planet. The little guys like me tend to be run over by the world’s rich and powerful, who eventually die of these diseases anyway, as if the evil they do was going to make them live longer anyway. Such is my heavy experience with the world to the present. Still, why I wrote this book has a lot to do with the 2nd NDE I had at age 44, otherwise I would have been content to take these secrets into death with me, given how horribly the medical system treated me through all of this, as I was getting well after my western doctors gave up on me.
These days the politics is focused on promoting drugs and surgery, when it comes to money support. These two premises are the basis for Western Medicine. They are ideas that originated with Dr. Paul Ehrlich’s magic bullet idea and the surgical implementations learned out of World War I and World War II dating back to the beginning of the 20th Century.
You are seeing the same results repeated in a different body going through the same process as you observe the blood of Kathryn Saunders. This is good science, because it shows the conditions are repeatable and so is the remedy. The people who say “Well that worked for me” are the ones who are not scientists and don’t see universal law at work in all organic life. They guess at what they are doing and don’t try to understand the laws that define organic life in their attempt to regain their health. We all have a divine purpose for being on the Earth in my viewpoint. I’m fulfilling mine as I get close to age 60, as an aging artisan and scientist. One fellow on my Youtube channel called me a “Wizard” when I took time to tell him how I look at the Universe and how to heal the body. Maybe I am in a sense, but that would only be because I’m further down the road from the rest of the world in my thinking at my age. Visionaries usually are. But THE MASTER’S KEY will take your level of thinking to a much higher level. You will never see the creation in the same way after you read THE MASTER’S KEY.
NOW, here is yet another documented case study: A young gal by the name of Melissa Cohen. As you observe live cell exams of her blood, you will see the same dramatic results happen to her blood. Her condition fully paralleled that of Kathryn Saunders. Neither knew each other before they met me I might add, so both cases are totally unrelated, as far as family and cultural influence is concerned. However, I want you to see what a live cell exam shows, both before and after, as you watch corrupted blood become healthy tissue again.
It takes four exams to really understand the CDS/PD Process in all its glory:
1) A stool study 2) A live cell blood exam 3) A urine and saliva pH test and 4) A Elemental Hair Exam (EHA)
One exam is not enough. It takes all four, as if you were looking into a four sided room, where each wall had a small window built into each wall. If you don’t look through all four windows at the same time, you don’t get the full picture of what is going on and what is needed to be done to turn the biological terrain around. Keep in mind this is a science I’m introducing you to, not guess work. The laws being revealed are absolute and so are the biological mechanisms at work, which are governed by such absolute laws.
Note again her blood exams . . . as her blood, which is heated up by acid load and corruption, transforms into young blood again in about 18 months. If you love the Bible, then you’ll find in Leviticus 17:11 of the Holy Bible, where it states that the life of the flesh is in the blood. What this tells scientists, like me, is that in order to make the whole body well again, meaning “all flesh whole” . . . the blood must be made whole first; then it can minister to the rest of the flesh to rebuild the body. But the main hindrance behind making the blood whole is the CDS/PD Process, which must be shut down first. If you don’t shut down the CDS/PD Process first, then you waste your money on supplements, both natural and synthetic. This includes all the popularity going into the use of the human growth hormone (hgH) these days. The reason why the supplements don’t work is told in the book. What you are watching happen Western doctors are taught in medical school is impossible to do: It is if all you use is drugs and surgery to your thinking. What you are seeing is the reintegration of life into the cells. You are not only seeing the red blood cells change, but you are also seeing what is happening to all the cells in the body while the red cells are changing over time. Western medicine works only with deadly drugs and surgery. They take life away, not give life back to the body. What you see me doing with my own body and these few documented case studies is the restoration of life into dying bodies where Western medicine gave up on them with their drugs and surgeries.
THE MASTER’S KEY to Unlocking and Mastering Chronic Disease. The softcover, paperback version available through
Once the process that creates this is reversed in the blood, then the blood can minister through other measures to clean up the body’s living water systems and increase the electron load or light load of the body which is the key to shutting down what truly defines CFS or the Fibromyalgia syndrome/process.
You won’t be disappointed with this book. I promise a money back guarantee, if for any reason you are not satisfied by the information you will receive. Trust me, you will be more than satisfied. This is cutting edge scientific knowledge you will not want to be without. There is no other book that offers the connections this book offers. The manuscript also has many diagrams and photos to help communicate the science to you in a manner you can understand and take action from.
The finished 143 page manuscript is taken from a greater body of work and will show you how the process is switched on, inside of your body, as well s help you how to understand how to switch the process off. The right approach to integrative medicine will then then switch off the CDS/PD Process and changes the algorithms back to a healthy flow, while the body returns back to a healthy state; thus stopping the self adulteration of the body, once the process is switched off. You see this happening in the documented case studies I present in this presentation, while the blood is transformed first, which medical doctors are told is impossible to do in medical school these days. Normally, blood this adulterated, to start with, would be treated with a blood transfusion. Because the rest of the extracellular fluids in the rest of the body are not cleaned up at the same time the blood is transfused, the blood is re-adulterated within months after the transfusion and nothing is fixed. The entire biological terrain has to be redefined all at once, including the blood, and the light load of the body raised, which also changes the pH of the body to alkaline over time. pH is defined both through mineral load and light load or electron load, if this process is to be fully understood: Not just mineral load. CDS/PD is a conditional transfer between two states: One defines healthy energy flow in the body and the other side of the algorithm defines how the body is to be converted in death during decomposition. It is all a natural programmed process, unlike what we were taught as kids in the 1960’s or even through all my college courses back in the 1970’s. There is more to decomposition than just dehydration from sunlight, pressure and other forces of nature. It’s an elegant process to study and understand, as the body is transformed into the microbial plant kingdom to preserve the life force of any body in the ongoing circle that defines life on this planet. The details to how it all works is in my current book for sale on this site titled “Chronic Disease Syndrome/Premature Decomposition Process:CDS/PD Process”.
LIVE CELL EXAM – Erythrocytes transform into micro plant life forms
Here is what the blood looks like when it has totally transformed. This is what leukemia is all about. While today’s research doctors think this is an abnormal event. The truth is, they are seeing this all wrong. This is a normal event in the body, when certain conditions are met. You re seeing microbial plant life forms made from dying red blood cells. This is what man calls “cancer” which also leads to tumors. It would take a botonist like Otto Warburg to classify these new creatures and was doing that when he won his two Nobel prizes on his research for treating cancer correctly and naturally. He was also kept from coming into this country. The reason? He was told he was bad for business because cancer was and is a big money maker for the medical community. Boosting the T-Cell count is not the solution either. There is nothing wrong with the immune system’s reaction with all of this going on as the cells transform. I’ve already asked the question why the immune system does not attack all of this while it is going on. The reason is very simply: The body sees “self” and it will not attack “self” as the cells are transforming. The key to understand all of this lies in understanding there is an “on” and “off” switch to this whole process and you’ll learn how that works when you buy and read THE MASTER’S KEY!
Dry Cell Blood Exam 01- SUBJECT: Melissa Cohen
Now view the next two photos of serum blood. These are views of Melissa Cohen’s blood using the standard dry cell serum blood method of viewing. This is said to be healthy blood from a standard serum blood exam when your doctor gets a report back from the lab your physician uses. Your doctor will never do a live cell blood exam to prove out the serum blood exam. Notice what Melissa’s doctors were missing all through the years she was sick, since she was a little girl. Note how her blood really looks through a live cell blood exam? A serum blood exam only gives a chemical profile of the blood serum. It does not reveal the functional state of the blood to a doctor. Did you get that? Those are big issues too when understanding chronic disease.
Dry Cell Blood Exam 02 – SUBJECT: Melissa Cohen
Western doctors never see this. Like I said, they simply trust the report they get back from the lab they use and never do what you see I’m doing as a scientist. The blood here is full of carbon, as seen in the black areas and the blood is also burning up from the acid load it is carrying and creating. You see this in all the browning going on in the images. This is not healthy blood by any means. It is dying blood. You’ve seen this in the previous videos on this page, of live documented case studies, using a close up view of the blood at high magnification…nearing 20,000x magnification in the live cell video presentations you just watched. These other photos are at a lower magnification.
Old blood turned to young blood again – Kathryn Saunders
Now see how transformed healthy blood looks?This is blood that once looked like the photos above. No blood transfusion was used to gain these results. In my manuscript you will learn how to turn your old dying blood into young blood again. Both Melissa and Kathryn had identical first live cell blood exams and dry cell exams. Results in transforming the blood and tissues take time, depending on what you can afford and your desire to stay with what you will learn from me. In Kathryn’s case, she was living on welfare when we first met, so it took her four years and not a year to reach the results you see above. Normally, it should only take a year, if you have a budget that can afford the full program needed to move you more swiftly to improved and eventually…. restored health. All of this is possible, if you simply change your vision of how the world views medicine these days. I’m here to help change your vision. Keep in mind what you are seeing with these three photos, western doctors are taught is impossible to achieve in medical school. If all you know is drugs and surgery, I can guarantee you, it is impossible to achieve. the results I’m showing you. But if you go outside of that box of thinking, into what I had to learn over 20 years, as my vision changed, you can almost perform miracles, if you are willing to pay the price to get these result.
My new book is being offered through and is an easy process to walk through to make your own individual purchase. If you need assistance with the purchase, don’t hesitate to email me using the email URL provided on this website. Just use the KFFMenterprises color rainbow of promise to click on to activate the email address for
THE MASTER’S KEY to Unlocking and Mastering Chronic Disease. The softcover, paperback version available through
Other researchers like Dr. Tullio Simoncini, working out of Italy, who wrote “Cancer is a Fungus” in 2005 and Dr. Ali Majid, working out of New York, who is dedicated to the process of Fibromyalgia; are men who are on a similar path as mine, but they are about 10 to 20 years behind what I know. I’ve been through both men’s work to date, which is how I know this. The process I reveal always ends in either heart attack, stroke, cancer or spontaneous human combustion. I make a good progressive argument with ample proof for the understanding behind what you will learn.
I think my friend Chloe Parham, who is a California State board certified therapist, said it best one day,after she read my 143 page version of the new book when she said that she believes God sends a group of us scientists here to the Earth to help answer the prayers of those suffering from disease, with the hope one of us will succeed against the evils of the world and bring help to his own children here on the Earth, who were praying for help before we each arrived. However, you need to know that men like me, who are scholars and scientists, are not well supported in this world, when it comes to bringing truth into the main playing field of life with all its politics. Fortunately, with the Internet, my only resource in fulfilling my destiny, is to offer my work through this website and classified online sites to help people, like yourself, who need correct knowledge and truth to deal with your chronic health issues. With enough correct knowledge you finally find the truth behind even things like CFS or Fibromyalgia issues of the human body while you learn how to work to finally get well. The entire CDS/PD Process is the full forerunner to cancer you should know. So cancer patients will greatly benefit from this knowledge and so will their doctors.
THE MASTER’S KEY to Unlocking and Mastering Chronic Disease The softcover, paperback version available through
The personal cost behind what it took to save my own life was about $2.3 million over 25 years. This broke me financially. It also heavily tapped a few family relatives, who loved me enough to reach out and help save my life. But…. it will not cost you that much to help save your own life. Private research is not easily funded by the world systems. There simply is too much politics and interest in keeping doctors and nurses working, versus finding the truth or cure to disease issues. Also, Western doctors want patentable drugs that only manage symptoms, so they have renewable revenue supporting them and their families. I have a library of books and abstracts testifying to the truth of what really works with disease and health issues. However what really works, can only be found in those books, not in your western medical doctor’s office sadly enough. You doctor simply does not make ongoing money, if they get you well from chronic disease issues. It’s that simple. That’s why western doctors push drugs. If drugs were truly meant to heal you, then why must you keep taking them all the time, if you have chronic disease problems? Doesn’t add up, does it? Think about it, if you were a car mechanic and all cars everywhere stopped breaking down, would you have a job repairing cars anymore? No. You’d be out on the street looking for work. Western doctors are in the same boat and they have to feed their families and pay their mortgages as well on their homes. If you can’t see this, then they will surely kill you, if you fully empower them and not yourself in the end to get yourself well. I want to help empower you with the truth, and without you spending $2 million trying to figure it out on your own. Even men with the University degrees I have, still have to fight the evils of the world to get the truth out. I wish God would make it otherwise, but man runs this world, not God and there is much evil in the world as a result.
Email responsesfrom those
who have bought THE MASTER’S KEY
Dear Kevin,
“Thanks, I also enjoy our time talking together, and would much rather do that than my job right now.
Well Kevin, I know of a medical professional you can start with who knows me, if that helps at all. My pediatric pulmonary specialist lung doctor, Dr. Sandiago Reyes MD has been interested in curing breathing conditions like asthma and COPD ever since his sister died from Emphysema several years ago. He’s one of the few good ones left in this world. The only reason why he hasn’t delved deeper is because of the pharmacy insisting on simply maintaining conditions and letting diseases progress, instead of getting to the root of the problems, and just not having the knowledge that you do. I’ve recommended your book to him, showing him page 76 in your Master’s Key book about COPD, and we’ve both seen the results of your treatment. He told me that when we first saw an improvement in my lung function that he’d share the knowledge I passed down to him with the other families. He works at INTEGRIS Baptist Medical Center in Oklahoma City.”
— Joy Gillingham – Oklahoma, United States
Hello from halfway across the world!
Thank you for your wonderful book. I’ve just finished reading it book and all of the sudden I feel hope again. By hope I mean 3 things:
Getting cure of my psoriasis which has been plaguing me since age 18 and didn’t allow me a normal life ever since (now I’m 31).
I’m not dependent on a corrupt medical system as my power of healing lies totally with me.
I always wanted to helping sick people regain health. My mother is a doctor but when she told me medicine is about learning by heart tons of books I psychically gave it up as the only knowledge I can absorb is the one that is logically sound. This abstract has for me a logical standing hence, if you accept and would like to pass on this knowledge I would most gladly become your student. . .I regard your work as true and thus promotes truth; even if your work costs something – the investment far outweigh the “loss” of money.
— Antonius Stoiculescu – United Kingdom
Dear Kevin;
I can sum your book up in one word. . . INSPIRING!
— Dr. John DeMarsh, M.D. – Prince Edwards Island
Hi Kevin,
Thank you so much for the link, I have purchased the full version and read through most of it already, GREAT STUFF!
— Kasey Chatila
The first thing I want to say…before I go any further…is that I owe a lot of this learning to a beautiful man by the name of Kevin Montague, who I met on Of course, there is much more that is not revealed on my website. You would really need a copy of his book to take you higher. Thank you Kevin for teaching me the truth.
— Kathryn Saunders – Prince Edwards Island
Thank you Kevin!
P.S. You are an excellent writer and communicator and teacher! We are all very grateful to have you working so hard and bringing forth this kind of information. You will be saving so many people who are really desperate. The doctors in the white coats scare the living hebejebies out of me – my blood pressure skyrockets because I don’t believe in their cut, burn and poison philosophy!!! So, I stay away, very far away……If I had a broken leg or something, then I would go. Thank God for you Kevin! (can’t say that enough)
— Kay Cole
Hi, I read something you posted about “Live blood analysis”. I’ve been suffering with a lot of body issues. I had a dark field test done, but they weren’t doctors and told me they can only do the test. I would really love if someone can explain the “Dark Field” test and hair analysis test. Thank you. I’m really kind of lost at what to do.
– Tim Magner
Hello Tim Magner: . . .You are among countless millions who are in the same pit of ignorance when it comes to how all of this works. . . .The question you just asked is covered in the new book and a lot more. I would encourage you to buy the ebook, because the answer is quite elaborate. . . . My book will teach you how to understand it all. There is a lot to know. If it all could be explained in this one email to you, then the new books didn’t need to be written. . . . After reading it, you’ll have the answers you need and a lot more.
—Kevin F. Montague, Author & Scientific Researcher
I absolutely believe that your work is going to be part of the future in healing for humanity. …Btw, don’t you ever really MISS the love, and joy and LIGHT from the other side? I suffer daily over this yearning and longing….and causes depression inside of me.
In Living Health, — Lindy and Jay Kordich — Your Vital Health is Your greatest Wealth!
Hi Lindy! . . . I remember your husband Jay the Juiceman and loved to watch him on television when he was doing an info-commercial. His enthusiasm was contagious! Juicing does helps, but there is more to it all, which is why I wrote this new ebook. Still when you consider your husband is 91 years of age, you would think the world would listen to him, given how long he has lived? To answer your question about “the Light”, when I died again at age 44, I long these days to leave this body I’m in and return back to the Light where our Lord of love is. The cruelty of this world is unbelievable after nearly 60 years of living.
I talk some about the Light in my new ebook, because I want people to understand the grander picture to what it really is all about and what we are all a part of at all times. What I reveal about God, after two full death experiences, will change the view any doctor or scientist has in looking at the Periodic Chart of Elements. You should read the new version of my book titled THE MASTER’S KEY TO UNLOCKING AND MASTERING CHRONIC DISEASE. I go more into all of that than I did with the previous version of the book you bought from me. If all I’m here to do is to make an impact in the end, let’s hope I do well with all of you who are helping me get the word out, so I leave the Light to our kids…at least the ones who want it.
Also thanks for the lead to talking with Steve Prussack and Jonathan Landsman, who both did the half hour interview on me, as I gave a summary of THE MASTER’S KEY. I want to reach the world with my new ebook so many will be greatly be helped, as a result of the suffering and sacrifice I went through in my own body, as I learned to correct so much of our health care sciences, when it comes to using all the approaches available on the planet that really do work; when understood correctly.
—Kevin F. Montague, Author & Scientific Researcher
Hi Kevin,
I’m just rereading your emails everyday and letting things absorb………my goodness what have you stumbled upon! Lol shouldn’t say stumbled….but what have you seen and experienced and gone through to write this stuff truly amazes me……
Just wanted to say thanks for expanding my mind with chronic disease!…..half way through your book. . . .
I also am going to dedicate my life to now helping people, once I come out of this thing! This information you shared and what I am experiencing is too valuable to not dedicate my life to share and save lives! I was very close to suicide last year. When my brain fog was at its worst, I could not feel any emotions at all…..was like a robot….trapped in a surreal world where it all seemed fake……couldn’t feel love, or hate….nothing!
Thanks! My spirit has guided me to you!
— Llewellyn Samuels – Sidney, AU
Dear Mr. Montague,
I am a second year medical student very interested in NDEs and your ideas behind health. I watched your videos and was very compelled by them. I just had two questions . . .Thank you so much for your thoughtful responses. There is a lot there I have to digest and probably re-read several times…. Most people in internal medicine are very cynical about being part of this machine, where you don’t actually help people. I think I would like to be an eye surgeon to work with homeless and in 3rd world countries for free. I have always had the hunch that it is love that heals. . .(Scott bought a copy of my eBook THE MASTER’S KEY after this was posted)
— Scott Bowman, California, USA
Thank you Scott for buying THE MASTER’S KEY. Also thank you for sharing your views of the current day medical system. I agree with you, after nearly 21 years of dealing with the system. It will take the young, like yourself, to change it all. Men of science like me can give truth and vision, but we need the young to make what we see; become real one day. Thank you for your support!
— Kevin F. Montague, Author & Scientific Researcher
At first she thought I was insane.
I have the Beck machines except the magnetic pulses. Actually the first ones on the market.
Really old but still working.
Now after talking about your stuff she is ready to use it.
Soon I am starting training on hair analysis and nutrition balancing according to the same doctor.
Your work has helped my wife see I am not babbling.
Thank you
— Bob Richer
You don’t know how much, emails like yours, lift my heart, given the enormous price in suffering and cost it took me to come this far with the work I’m doing to help our planet. I understand your wife’s fears, because we were all taught that drugs and surgery are the answer for chronic disease problems when we were kids growing up in the 1960’s. The truth is they are not. All the really good stuff got taken out of the global system starting in the 1970’s and I’m working to help get it restored, while introducing the good sense behind integrative medicine and why it must be used, if real results are expected.
— Kevin F. Montague, Author & Scientific Researcher
Hi Kevin,
Outstanding! I love to hear a good testimonial. Keep it up. One day at a time
— Dr. Rick Santee, ND – (Speaking from Spain)
Hello Rick; as you know, you were instrumental in saving my life and appearing at a time when I was so very close to death, after my Western Medical Doctors told me to go home and die. While it took 15 years to write THE MASTER’S KEY, so far, for each copy of the book that sells, I get nothing but emails praising the heck out of the work I did in putting all the science together. Thanks for being there Rick at a most critical time in my life when no one could help me. You are an amazing man!
— Kevin F. Montague, Author & Scientific Researcher
Hi Kevin,
Thanks again for the wonderful book. It really is mind blowing. I always wanted to know what the cause of the M. E. Chronic fatigue was. Now I know. I also know that it was NEVER all in my mind, but we have the same ignorant medical system, here in the UK that you have in America. Now I can stop wasting money on supplements that cannot do their magic, in a polluted body. So for that I am grateful.
I just cannot Believe what I am reading, I wish that I had known, about Good Nutrition as a child, and the Horrors of Mercury fillings, and vaccines, BUT, I BELIEVE God can bring greater GOOD, out of my Life in spite of all the Trauma, in a way I have yet to see .
Is there anything very small that I could be doing, just to feel a tiny bit better ? Don’t worry if there isn’t yet, I will wait, and if you are talking to Jesus, tell him I Love him !
Wishing you every Good thing NOW and to come.
GOD BLESS YOU, and thank you for coming into my Life
With much much Gratitude
— Bernadette Tromp
PS: I live in the Northwest of England
Hi Kevin,
…by the way, you are the ONLY person who connected the pleomorphic theory to chronic diseases in a reasonable, logical way! I am really impressed. I read the pleomorphic theory many times through the work of Virginia Livingston Wheeler & Wilhelm Reich, but no one connected the dots like you did. I thank you for this connection. It made me link so many things together, especially when you differentiated between the somatid fungal transformation & candida growth in the intestine, since so many books confuse the two as one thing (e.g., the Candida go through the gut causing Candidiemia in the blood and then infection). I always was thinking where the pleomorphism fits in all of this, until you distinguished it and everything started to get clear!
Your book gave me something new after all. I am thankful
— Dr. Jarrah Al-Tabaikh, MD
Good morning!!
I have been a Holistic Health Practitioner for the last 20 years, but have really only focused on therapeutic bodywork, until just about… oh maybe 3 years ago. I have been on a spiritual path of sorts, since about 2009…. picking up things here and there. I know that I found you because I was supposed to. I … was listening to Coast to Coast Somewhere in Time, which was a replay from 15 or 20 years ago and Betty Eadie was on and I was very interested in her NDE experiences.
As I told you before I am not a computer person….I wrote down her site and actually looked at it when I got home, then you popped up and I knew that was what I was supposed to see and never did look at her content. The master’s key makes for fascinating reading! Anyway, I digress. KUDOS and many thanks to you for your obvious relentless efforts on behalf of the rest of us, especially since you could have just went home when you died. But then again, this is probably why you came this time.
I understand why you have to set up the passwords the way you do, if I was independently wealthy I would absolutely back something like this. The money will come when it’s supposed to. I don’t pretend to understand God’s ways.
LOVE and LIGHT my brave friend. Keep up the good fight. I have some friends and clients with cancer and myriads or other issues and just want to help people. Why can’t I just download all of your knowledge into my fog brain????? Dang it! That would be GREAT! You don’t give classes do you? As if you would have the time. I’m in San Diego by the way. Native. Please take some time today to laugh. Talk later,
Thanks again.
— Karen Richards
San Diego, California
Thank you for such a great email.
We are all Love – an expression of God’s Love.
You certainly display His Love through your beliefs and your work for the betterment of humanity.
It’s obvious God gave you a very unique gift of determination, and intelligent capacity so that you can spread His knowledge and Love in this world.
He chose you – for whatever reason, to spread your message.
You are manifesting His Love.
What He has in store for me? I guess we’ll see.
I don’t have your scientific abilities.
The ebook works on the iPhone!
Probably was just some connection issues kept it from opening.
Will still print it.
Will listen to your interviews and buy Dr Santee’s book-
Especially as a way to support you!
You’re a special soul – it’s why God chose you.
— Jay Jay
I was able to get in and start reading your book, and I’m so glad I bought it.
Your insights are unique, and they make sense. I like the way you think and the way you write. You have a comfortable, easy style that’s enjoyable to read.
More importantly for the purposes of your work, you have detailed, clearly written, well-organized information.
You are a pioneer charting new territory. I can only imagine the hurdles you’ve encountered! I am so glad you have people, like Lindy Kordich reaching out to help you.
Know that I am keeping you in my prayers, and I will continue to do so. You are a gift, a beacon of light! I hope you will continue with your excellent work.
Gods blessings!
Take good care,
— Marilyn Sick
Hi Mr Montague!
You have done enormous research! I can see that you have connected the dots… May God help you always in your journey!
I want to read the MAster’s Key. I have already purchased the CDS/PDS process. Would you send a coupon for the discount you are offering?
I am wondering if there is enough time for my friend with the extreme filit formations on her blood serum to reverse her condition. Have you experienced reversal in similar conditions?
— Blessings and abundance for you!!!
Elissavet Lagou Gytheion, Greece
— Ellissavet,
. . .as for your friend, it is never too late to start anything. The documented case studies in my book were near the point of death. There are other people, not shown in the book, who are also alive today, because they did what I taught them to do and walked the full course until their bodies were well again. They are alive, well, no longer housebound and living a full life these days. The reason for this will become very clear, as you read THE MASTER’S KEY.
Please keep me and my work in your prayers to our Lord, who I got to meet in death and who encouraged me to do this work for Him and all of you. I did not have to come back either at age 25 or age 44, but chose too, reluctantly I might add, because with the 2nd NDE I had to get back into a dead and sick body to continue the fight. What I have accomplished was not easy to do by any means. I welcome all the support I can get.
If you have not done so, listen to the interview released last October 23rd when Jonathan Landsman heard of my work through Lindy Kordich and wanted to interview me for his audience. A lot of medical doctors listen to his podcasts too.
— Kevin F. Montague, Author & Scientific Researcher
HI Kevin, I’m on page 38 of the book (THE MASTER’S KEY) and I can’t believe I have read this much, I just can’t stop reading….
—– William Ganley
i have not heard anyone speak as cogently on the virus matter as you have on c2c tonight. an incredible breath of fresh air and powerful testimony. thank you so muchseems quite clear i had the virus and thank you for speaking on building immunity. i have felt alone on this raft of pro-vacination discussion. my immune system has been weak as of late so i have been catching the viruses that has been around since December, I believe it’s possible there have been mutations around for awhile. i kept catching them. i killed them off by rubbing Oregonal into my lungs. the gunk would proliferate and i would just rub more in. 2nd the oranges from a 100 yr old or so Orange tree. a tree of life. thank you so much for speaking tonight. i will share your information with whoever will listen and look forward to studying your work.
Sincerely, Mire’
These are actual email responses from readers who contacted me, telling me what they thought, after reading this new health science ebook titled THE MASTER’S KEY. These are not paid actors, but real people who bought AND read my ebooks who chose to write me!
The cost to you?
Just know, if you act right now, I’ll give you a price you can afford concerning my new ebook and the incredible knowledge it will reveal to empower you, especially if your western doctors have given up on you and have told you to go home and get your affairs in order, as mine did 20 years ago; as I prepared for my death. I did die and got to see heaven at age 44, but it seems I still have a purpose for being here and I’d like to help you regain your health by enriching you with some of the truth to how the organic creation really works. We each have a divine purpose for being here I learned in death and I’m doing my part in all my struggles by being here for you at this time in man’s history. Try not to throw me away in your thinking. You’ll not find this knowledge anywhere else and that is not a sale’s pitch either.
While the book is easily worth $1000.00, given my investment of money and suffering it took to research the answers, you won’t pay $1,000. You won’t even pay $500, yet after you read it, you’ll no doubt wonder why I didn’t charge you that price; given you can’t find this knowledge on the planet anywhere else, and given all the connections I’ve made as a research scientist. I won’t even charge you $250 or even $150 for a copy of my current work.
The soft cover, paperback version available through
It is available through, as an ebook and can be in your hands in the next 5 minutes by ordering through Such is the blessings of On-Demand publishing through the Internet. So you are only a few steps away from owning your own copy of the CHRONIC DISEASE SYNDROME/PREMATURE DECOMPOSITION PROCESS: CDS/PD PROCESS….all 143 amazing pages! works with PayPal in making payment to me for your copy of this new scientific work. Just push one of the two green buttons agove that say SHOW ME THE PRICE and you will be taken to my page to start your order.
If you do not have a Paypal account,you can email me at my business email address I can then send you a request for money from my Paypal account to your email address. You can then pay that request from your bank or credit card, even though you do not have a Paypal account. Once I receive notice of the payment, I will then forward you a copy of THE MASTER’S KEY using WeTransfer, to get the ebook to you with the current pass code that will let you open the ebook, so you can read it and print it.
All the Science is explained in this new ebook. You don’t have to be a scientist to understand what you are about to read and there are many photos and illustrations to help your understanding to what you’ll be learning, as you grasp onto this wonderful knowledge. Any layman, as well as any medical professional, can understand the wording in this ebook. I spent 20 long years working in the trenches with the sick and dying, while I learned how to teach and communicate this knowledge to those who wanted to learn from me.
I have met so many chronically sick people over the past two decades who are strapped money wise, who gave all their money to their western doctors, that I wanted to find a way each person, stuck like I was, could receive this knowledge at an affordable price. Well, through the Internet… that is possible now.
My hope is that I’ll reach many of you who find this presentation, who will buy my book which supports me greatly and let me help you get well. I especially want Western doctors to read my work, like Dr. John DeMarsh did. Here is a copy of his recommendation letter to me, as a board certified Osteopath, a western doctor, who responded, in writing, after reading my 143 page ebook on the CDS/PD Process, while I was helping Kathryn Saunders learn how to change her biological terrain, just as I did to mine.
You may have heard the old expression; “The Devil is in the details”. Well, to help you embrace that old saying in a new way, I’d like you to meet my “friend” Dizzy Ease who will tell you the truth about the Devil in the details. Folklore has it that King Solomon was able to make the demons stand before Him and make them do God’s righteousness. Well, while I’m not King Solomon, I was able to convince Dizzy to tell you the way it is in a fun way that will help you learn some of the knowledge you’ll learn in my new ebook. Enjoy.
You will start to learn on your own that the alternatives do work. It all starts with a change of vision however, which my new 143 page eBook will do for you, as you also learn valuable health information not taught in any other eBook on the planet. You are not paying for hype I might add, when you buy the eBook. You will be getting a detailed insight to how the CDS/PD Process works and how it is connected to all the diseases in organic life. This is cutting edge science !!!
This current 143 page eBook is an introductory work to the subject of what is truly behind chronic disease and how it works. If I am fully supported by all of you in enough sales of this initial work, I plan on introducing a lot more in my next three eBooks, which will expand the knowledge of this initial 143 page work. I also will then start to do online webinars when that goal is reached. I’ll need about 50,000 copies of this first release, 143 page eBook to take place, before I can consider releasing the last two eBooks on my goals list. These eBooks are only for those who are truth seekers, see the evils of the current day political systems in medicine, and who truly need real help with their chronic health issues. If you are a skeptic or atheist, all I can say is buy the eBook and at least learn from the science I reveal. It will help save your life. Still, you may find the revelations of the greater reality I saw we are a part of in death compelling to your own working model in your head to how you view the creation all around you.
Ask for your coupon code…IF… you have already bought the 143 page version of this eBOOK titled CHRONIC DISEASE SYNDROME/PREMATURE DECOMPOSITION PROCESS:CDS/PD PROCESS. This offer only applies to the eBook version during the 30 day money back gaurantee period. Make sure to ask for a discount coupon, if you want to upgrade to the full version of the ebook which is 411 pages, not 143 pages. This offer is good only for 30 days after you have bought the 143 page version which teaches the CDS/PD Process.
Just contact me at I’ll then verify your purchase through the Paypal and Payhip computers. If you ask within the 30 days after you have bought the 143 page version, I’ll issue you a coupon code that will apply your 143 page purchase to the 411 page version of the ebook. You pay only the difference on the upgrade.
Enclosed in this full version of the ebook is another 268 pages!
A page from the eBook version of THE MASTER’S KEY
ADDED TO THIS VERSION OF THE eBOOK is not only a lot more detailed information spread out through the entire text of the ebook, but ALSO ADDED is an entire section which will start to teach you the protocols you’ll need to follow to get the results you see revealed in this ebook. This is a field research ebook too, which was written over a long 15 year period and went through hundreds of rewrites, before it reached its current form.
This is a field research work that has gone through hundreds of rewrites. The reason for this is because so many new concepts to the laws of nature and God are revealed in this work. Finding the communication ground for this work was not easy when teaching this knowledge to others. Most people to date who read my work always follow up with these words… “This makes so much sense!” It should because it brings together so much of our science data into a revelations discourse that is unlike anything pursued in the past and in a logical way of understanding how it all works in organic life with the laws of God and nature.
Here is the link again to the locationwhere you can order your ebook. Just enter in the coupon code I’ll give you when you contact me and you will be credited the purchase price of the 143 page version to the upgrade of the full version of the ebook THE MASTER’S KEY TO UNLOCKING AND MASTERING CHRONIC DISEASE.
You have to do this within 30 days of buying the 143 page version to get the discount on the upgrade however.
LinkedIN is always changing their link codes, so if this button doesn’t work, just go to LinkedIN and type in my name “Kevin F. Montague” and you should find my site page.
Just look under the section labeled as Then look for the PDF document named “When My Doctor Told Me (Treatise) – Draft #4”. What you will read will be the hi-lights of a remarkable story. The details to the entire story have a lot of drama tied into the real life story. The way I was treated by the established medical system was atrocious, but my story alone is just a sample to how the system treats all who get stuck in the trap of chronic disease through no fault of their own. Our medical system is more flawed than they try to let onto and I’m doing more than Trudeau did to bring the truth out to where they are blowing it with the science behind treating chronic disease. The vision of all our doctors needs to change and my first ebook heavily addresses that in a big way!
Beyond LIFE there is the LIGHT
For those of you who are interested in my two death encounters, visit my new YouTube channel “Beyond LIFE there is the LIGHT”. I share the two death encounters I’ve had in my life in the testimony section of the channel. I will be teaching on this channel, using the religious books the living are familiar with, while also bringing in man’s science and key NDE testimonies. The purpose of thi channel is to help the lving better embrace what each NDE is sharing and to help the living understand there is only one reality on the other side of death, when we each die.
Please understand my life has been a life of pure suffering most of the time that you can not begin to imagine in your wildest nightmares. I can not account for the super natural events in my life. I don’t go into a lot of detail why these events happened or what they mean, because you would have to know my entire life to understand what lead to these moments in my life. I’m an odd find on the planet, as an artisan and scientist. I hope you will be blessed by my teaching videos on my channel “Beyond LIFE there is the LIGHT”. Make sure to subscribe.
May the Lord of the Light, who all of you call Jesus, bless you as you have read this website.
I can promise you once you read this ebook, you will not want to return it.
The knowledge is that rich, and worthy of your library….forever!
If for any reason, you truly are not satisfied with the amazing knowledge you will read, the connections of which are unprecedented on the face of the Earth right now, concerning our science, I will refund your money, (minus Paypal and Payhip servicing fees) no questions asked. You have 30 days and my money back guarantee IF you are not at all satisfied with the contents of this new ebook and all you will learn from it through subsequent readings. This is a great reference resource, especially if you have taken control of your own health care and need real answers!!! I’m offering this money back guarantee because I’m that confident you will NOT want to return the ebook, once you receive it and read its contents. This is cutting edge science, which not only saved my life, but is saving the lives of others, as I introduce the work, more and more, into the free market place. Don’t keep going to your western doctors, if you are getting no where with them. I did all of that, until they gave up on my condition and sent me home to die! To keep doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result, is a form of insanity. You need to change your vision to how chronic disease works in the body, so your approach changes!
However, I think you are going to want to keep this ebook forever, as a major reference resource, once you have had time to read through the incredible knowledge it has to offer. I’m convinced, once you read the CDS/PD Process ebook, you’ll want to spend the extra money and buy the expanded version of the ebook titled THE MASTER’S KEY TO UNLOCKING AND MASTERING CHRONIC DISEASE. I truly want you empowered with your chronic health issues, without going through the hellish journey I went through to learn the truth, up against the hypocrisies of the world health care system.
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Thoughtfully Kevin F. Montague
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This information proves out to be correct, but the author presents this information for your own review and personal evaluation only, and he is not liable for any negative results based on the information or practices described in the ebook.
This information is presented for your educational purposes and does not seek to prescribe, diagnose, prevent, treat or provide medical services in any way.
It is the intention of this book to provide information and perspective from which you can make informed personal health care choices with your trusted health care practitioners, even if they are not western medical doctors. While every effort has been made to ensure reliability and accuracy on the information within this site and the book titled THE MASTER’S KEY, all liability negligence or otherwise, from any use or abuse of the suggestions, advice or any methods, instructions or ideas contained in this material herein, is the sole responsibility of the reader. This information has not been evaluated by the FDA or any other government agency. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease, as defined by the bylaws of the FDA or AMA in America. However the data and case studies prove this syndrome/process to be a true and real process, long misunderstood through common research and is finally being unveiled through this ebook offering. Feel free to share this information with your health care provider, especially if you are experiencing symptoms from the above
I offer some amazing products which range from original health care ebooks to original music, which I have written over my life time. Take special interest in THE MASTER'S KEY and AIRWOLF RETURNS - THE MOTION PICTURE. Take time to listen to the online radio interviews I've had on the internet as you learn about my two full death experiences and what lead to writing THE MASTER'S KEY. Read about the ebook under my Healthcare tab and make sure to purchase a copy of your own. It is full of cutting edge science to help you master you chronic disease issues.
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Feel free to visit my Youtube channels, especially my new one called "Beyond LIFE there is the LIGHT" where I talk about my two NDE experiences, what lead to those experiences and why I chose to come back to the Earth, when I didn't have to come back. I'm here to help the sick and dying learn how to get well. Check out the "Radio Interview" sectionon my Home page. Hear the interviews I've had to date. Thank you for your interest and for visiting me. Feel free to contact me at my business gmail account if you have any concerns or questions.
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More great products yet to come to the store! Be watching!
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