Blue Backstreet Woman
The world of the homeless is a nightmare existence. It is also a sad commentary on our world, when we fail to love those who are hardest to love or in need of the greatest help to get a second chance in life. This song is dedicated to a real live event I saw one day. . / Click Here to Learn More!
Product Information
We were passing a part of down town Los Angeles, I remember one day, while I was in my brother’s Firebird, when suddenly I saw this gal come around the street a ways away from where we were and she was upset and screaming for help. I think no one saw her, expect me in our car. We were not in a position where we could easily reach her either, but I’ve never forgotten the image of that event.
Later on, while I was sitting in my small recording studio, while living at my dad’s home, I thought of that gal who was in trouble that day. I prayed for God to watch over her, when no one else saw her distress. As I sat back, I started to get ideas for a blues song regarding this gal. I started dreaming her as a character in one of my day dreams and places I had been to at that time in my life. The result is the lyrics for Blue Backstreet Woman.
The cover art I did for this music really came out quite well. The gal in the cover art is from a different photo which I layered onto the background, taken from another photo. I then worked with the lighting…a lot. This took many hours to achieve, but when the final result was done, I was delighted at the final artwork. The background not only has a myriad of sur-realism to it, but it takes on a distorted rendition from the actual photo used, as if to show the way the Blue Backstreet Woman sees the world… as a distortion of reality. Perhaps she sees things far more clearly than we do, but perhaps the final artwork tells all of us, who are looking in on her, that we can’t see reality either.
I had just started to get into blues and jazz in this time period. I eventually did write a wonderful jazz mix entitled “Battlestar Galactica in the Jazz Quadrant” during this time period as well, which you can find on my artist page. I was truly getting the hang of the styles too, as I wrote both works.
The drums were done again by my friend Bob Jenson back in that time period and Dan Kimble did the funky electric guitar work on the mix. Overall, I think the arrangement came out with quite a bluesy, but slanted, if not slightly demented flavor to it, I think you will enjoy.
© Kevin F. Montague 1984 – © Bluefire Music Enterprises 2013
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