Become an affiliate marketer for KFFMenterprises and earn very good commissions. Both books being offered on this offering page have been selling, but it is a big world and I need help reaching the free markets of the world. This is your chance to make some good money or big money, if you are set up in an already established niche market of your own that caters to the health sciences.
Product Information
UPDATE: 7/21/2020 – Here is my immediate goal right now! Ideally, I need power affiliates who already have a niche in the health science market, who have the audience, who are ready to hook up to my and account RIGHT NOW, so you can get your product links, ready to sell, sell, sell!
However, even if you are not a established power house affiliate looking for new opportunities that will make you money, I’m prepared to set you up to be one!
I’m a turn key operation right now! I’m moving the marketing along through two methods: 1) bulk email transmissions into inboxes, with help for several existing affiliates who are helping get the mail out and 2) Powerful interviews helping to get the word out to millions of listeners attending to online talk radio shows leading with Coast to Coast AM and George Noory.
I have digital inventory through and physical inventory through, to sell and countless millions, who are among the sick and dying, who need the powerful knowledge found in THE MASTER’S KEY or its lesser 143 page version eBook titled CHRONIC DISEASE SYNDROME/PREMATURE DECOMPOSITION PROCESS:CDS/PD PROCESS.
With the advent of the COVID19 virus sweeping the globe, the knowledge I’m working to bring to the attention of our world is greatly needed right now. Our world has gone into crisis finally and answers are needed away and apart from the status quo, which my work supplies.
Regardless of the titles I chose for my current list of original eBooks, they are a result of a 23 year struggle I went through to regain most of my health when I got struck down by the chronic disease process and the science that was used do to what western medicine thinks is impossible to do. The books are pure science, but done in a fireside chat manner when you read them. I also mix in some of what I was exposed to in my two NDE death encounters at age 25 and 44, to help the world better understand the Periodic Chart of Elements and how it is seen from the spiritual realm, as well as what Einstein’s equation really means when you see what is waiting for you in death. There are no meaningless details in my eBooks. Presently THE MASTER’S KEY is the only book that is available in both eBook and physical production form. More is coming. Just know it takes months of work to prepare just one book for pre-press.
I’m also promoting Dr. Rick Santee’s new book PROSTATE RELIEF NOW and my first healthcare report titled SPECIAL HEALTHCARE REPORT 001 as well as Dr. Robert C. Beck’s documentation titled TAKE BACK YOUR POWER. You get product links for all four of these, when you sign up to my growing network through
THE MASTER’ S KEY eBook has over 15 years of research work behind all the information revealed in it. This is cutting edge science in the field of integrative medicine, shown through medical science, while working to help compliment the work of Western medicine and open their eyes to so much they are missing in their research work. This book has been selling as I’ve been making appearances on the internet this year through invited interviews!!! However, it is a big world of some 7.5 billion people and I need worthy assistance with the marketing….people who are in sales, who are serious about making money selling these wonderful new books. You can learn some of what this book reveals at my URL webpage
I’m a 63 year old researcher, a California State scholar and University graduate in the arts and sciences as well as an author and writer, who was inspired to write THE MASTER’S KEY through a horrific 26 year event in my life. This is also a work which is right on time with our world health issues. A lot has been suppressed by the health authorities these past many decades: This is knowledge the world now needs apart and away from the status quo of standard Western medicine too. This is suppressed knowledge the FDA and AMA are keeping from all of us for the sake of selling drugs while keeping mankind away from the benefit and efficacy of the light sciences
Become an affiliate marketer and distributor, while earning commissions. I provide support training to get you started using SMTP and POP3 servers so you can learn how to get into people’s email boxes like I’ve been doing over the years. I supply ad copy and mailing lists you can work from once you sign up. But you must prove to me you are serious about working with me to help me along while we help our world together.
I need an army of established affiliate marketers, preferably who already have an existing audience, but need worthy new product to sell. However, I will not chase you away, if you wish to build your audience with my new eBooks. I will teach you how to get started. There is no magic formula to making money in any business, not even on the net and anyone who tries to tell you can’t do it is not teaching you correctly. It takes daily steady work, like I’ve been doing, to get known and make sales happen in the world community. There is no other way to do it.
I welcome all the help I can get with the sales and offer good commissions for the products I’m currently offering through the Internet. All eBooks are pass code protected to help keep pirating at a minimum through illegal pass-alongs. This encourages customers to pay for their copy of the eBooks, when they want to read one of the eBooks. There are no free lunches in life and no business can survive if that is the case. You can also join the Bookbaby affiliate program through Ascend Pepperjam and make commissions off of THE MASTER’S KEY, as you send your product links out. Bookbaby is located in New Jersey and ships to all over the world. Payhip is located in the UK and their system is available to all locations all over the globe as well. Thanks to innovations in printing technology over the past 10 years, Bookbaby can swiftly print orders, one order at a time if needed and have delivery in the mail in a week’s time to any customer who orders from you. Your commissions are paid into your account through both and as sales are confirmed and made.
Three of these eBooks are offered only through my website or affiliate websites, which is the offering page hooked up to my landing pages. The SPECIAL HEALTHCARE REPORT 001 is currently being offered through Kindle on however, as a low cost offering, which has no pass code to it. It is offered for sale and encouraged to be used as a pass along…. a freebie of my work and ingenuity as a researcher to help encourage sales of THE MASTER’S KEY and PROSTATE RELIEF NOW.
So in short, these eBooks can not be purchased anywhere else on the planet, but through me and my on board affiliates. I send out pass codes to reader/buyers through the system, once a purchase is made. The pass codes are changed often to scramble things up in the market place and prevent stealing. This is good business for both you and me in protecting our right to make profits on this original and unique work of health science.
The story behind what lead to all of this is complex. Perhaps one day I’ll share the story through a book I hope to title WHEN MY DOCTOR TOLD ME. However, you can hear some of my story by listening to my recent interviews with George Noory on Coast to Coast AM or my interview on the Kevin Moore show.
Both patient and doctor need THE MASTER’S KEY and PROSTATE RELIEF NOW with all the cutting edge information revealed in both literary works. Trust me, just two books is enough work for you in reaching the world right now backed up by what I’m doing to do the main marketing on my end. The key to making marketing work is not to focus on too many products at once, but to heavily campaign a few of them globally. Cafeteria style offerings don’t really work, unless you are a outfit as big as Amazon. If you’ll help me do this, then we both will win in the end with increased sales taking place leading to my current product line going viral in the time ahead.
I’m a turn key operation at this time, operating under the name of KFFMenterprises. You can earn up to 30% commissions on “The CDS/PD Process” eBook, and THE MASTER’S KEY eBook. Bookbaby has their own percentage structure with THE MASTER’S KEY right now for affiliates who join. I offer 20% commissions on Dr. Santee’s eBook PROSTATE RELIEF NOW, based on a deal I was able to make with him to get his trust to be his on-line publisher. Dr. Santee was exercised from the United States by the FDA because he was getting people well as a Naturopath doctor. The first SPECIAL HEALTHCARE REPORT 001 offers a 50% commission and comes with no pass code to encourage pass-alongs, as I mentioned earlier. It can be customize so the report includes your product links as well.
I pay well, because I want to get the knowledge in these books into the world community and free market place, to help the sick and dying find the answers they have been praying for. It has cost me, and key relatives, some $2.3 million dollars to make all of this possible. This was money no one had in the beginning as I also had to walk through the heart of hell with my own body, as I learned how we have been lied to and how to master the chronic disease process in my own body and shut it down! Fortunately I have the scholastic background to qualify me for what God put into my path to solve for all of us.
There will also be the opportunity for up-sells, as new published products are created, related to this growing network. I am not being supported by any government agency, corporation or foundation with this independent work and the scientific proof revealed in the books speaks well for themselves. So this is a unique opportunity for you, to not only make money, but help our hurting world, which needs truth and real answers right now.
I’ve been fully dead twice at both age 25 and 44. I was allowed to come back to write what I’ve revealed in THE MASTER’S KEY at age 44. In truth, I did not have to come back to do this for our world. The sacrifice I made in my body, you will never truly know in terms of what I suffered through, while my own body was used as the primary guinea pig. My condition was being documented, while I learned a lot of truth about the Lord’s creation and how it works as a scholar and scientist. The choice was left up to me to return to complete this work. Given how much I love our old world, even with all its hurts and troubles, I chose to come back and complete the work I was born to do. Just know, I can’t do the marketing alone and I welcome your help with the marketing and the sales of the books, reports and other documents I choose to sell online. Help me make these products successful and I’ll be able to go to work on two more books that will take the next several years to complete, as I build the product line

I’m signed up with I can supply you the product links you’ll need for your sales, so you are in operation in minutes to earn your commissions. Just use the link button below to log into the “Join Payhip as an Affiliate” page. I have to approve all those who request to join and it usually does not take me long to get to the new affiliate requests each week. Allow at least 48 to 72 hours for me to get around to approving your request. I usually wait until I get a batch of requests that come in, before I start the approval process. It helps my work load to work at that pace on my end; just so you know. Just press the button below and it will take you to the sing in page to become an affiliate of mine through

No affiliate program is available through Bookbaby at this time. I’ll be looking for another company I can offer the book through that also has an active affiliate program, so I can add this service to those of you who want to be part of my sales force. I still have an affilite program through however. So you can sell the eBook version of THE MASTER’S KEY and PROSTATE RELIEF NOW using Bookbaby as an affiliate for

Make sure you have a Paypal account before setting up your accounts as an affiliate. Paypal cost nothing to join. They make their money based on a per transaction basis with each payment you receive or send out. They work as a on-demand banking service. You can find them located on the internet using the below button:
All you need is a Paypal account, after you are approved for Payhip and Pepperjam, where your commissions can be sent to, as you make sales. Your personal information is not needed by me, when you set up both accounts.
Payhip will ask for your email address to start, so I can approve you. You’ll then be tied into my budding network of affiliates. Everything will be sent to you through, as far as your product links are concerned; while you open up your own affiliate Dashboard. Working inside Payhip AND Bookbaby are very user friendly I might add. So don’t think there is anything fancy you have to do to get going. All the work has been done for you! If you don’t have a Paypal account, just sign up with Paypal. Again, it cost you nothing to join
Learn more about THE MASTER’S KEY and PROSTATE RELIEF NOW! The story behind THE MASTER’S KEY alone is a true story that has a growing audience right now. This is also a new business opportunity for you and your family, if you need to make extra money through commissions, selling an honorable product, as you help the new information in this eBook reach all healthcare professionals on our planet, as well as their patients, who are struggling with chronic disease issues in their body and have lost hope. The books present a new vision on organic disease that is unprecedented on the face of the planet and opens your mind to how to make the alternatives really work in a person’s body, who suffers from chronic disease issues. Once your read THE MASTER’S KEY alone, you will never look at a health store or pharmacy in the same light, ever again; and will see the power sitting there in health stores at your disposal, once you understand with clarity the laws governing your body’s matrix, as a living water system. Do not think you know what this book reveals. You will not be able to outguess its contents. It is like no other health science book you have ever read, in case you have read other health science books to date.
as sold in its ebook form.
Here is how THE MASTER’S KEY looks in its soft cover, paperback version through Bookbaby.

Please check this, my KFFMenterprises website to learn more. Feel free to contact me through my business gmail account if you need help at any time. However, everything is pretty much self explanatory.
Kevin F. Montague
Scholar, Artisan, Scientist and Author
I completed an agreement with Dr. Rick Santee, ND regarding the publishing of his new ebook titled PROSTATE RELIEF NOW. I’ve read his book and have known this man for the past 21 years. I know his views on medicine and how he looks at the world medical system. You can make 20% commissions on the asking price of this ebook through KFFMenterprises. (The book is not available as a softcover paperback book yet through
Take time to check this eBook out on this, my website. This is timely for the aging baby boomer generation and for young men, whose bodies are being compromised by our overly polluted world, where the prostate is the target. More can be done than just masking symptoms with drugs or giving into surgical removal of the organ. The prostate can be shrunk at any age, if you know what to do. Dr. Santee uses his decades of experience as a Naturopath doctor, to help educate the reader to what their western medical doctors are either not telling them or are ignorant to, concerning the knowledge revealed in his new eBook.
Below is the URL link to offering his new eBook, where you can learn more about his work, if you plan on becoming an affiliate marketer through
I encourage each affiliate to read each of my original books they are going to promote as an affiliate. The more you know a product, the more successful you will be in selling the product globally.
Kevin F. Montague
Scholar, Artisan, Scientist and Author
Very Important!
Make sure you put my email address in your safe sender list after you make the request to be approved as an affiliate.
I follow up with a welcome letter and other emails, as well as some training videos on SMTP and POP3 technology that detail out what is all about and what you can expect your commissions to be, as you make sales happen. I not only get you started with initial teaching, but I’ll be offering more teaching in the time ahead as KFFMenterprises continues to grow.
SO MAKE SURE is in your safe sender list right now!
Reaching private email accounts is usually no problem, but trying to reach Yahoo, AOL, Gmail and Hotmail requires a little effort on your part to make sure my emails reach you by setting me up in your safe sender list.
Most of the time, foreign emails are treated as SPAM and are sent to the SPAM folder with the four type of emails I just mentioned. So make sure to check your SPAM folder for your emails or emails, when looking for your registration information, if you did not put my business email account in your safe sender list.
Thank you!
What Defines Success as an affiliate marketer?
Six simple disciplines define success:
1) Persistence
2) Risk Management
3) Organization
4) Innovation
5) Communication
6) Reaching Out
This is what makes any business truly successful in sales and for successful community involvement! There is no quick way to wealth, even if you open a store on a street corner. I am making money on the net through the years, but there is 8 billion people on the face of the planet to try to reach with my product offerings. So, I welcome your help. I can get you going FAST, as you assist me with the mailings for the ad offers I’m supplying each of you, who work with me. I’d love to hear from you too, through my gmail account. So, don’t be a stranger. Write me and let’s talk! I won’t charge you for my time just to talk about working with me, so we can talk about you becoming an active affiliate. I supply ad copy for my products, video ads for my books and photos of my products to help you with your marketing efforts.
If you’ll purchase even one of my original eBooks, read it and get to know the products, you can then do marketing by acquiring a dedicated server, like I use through BBmail in China, to get into inboxes and you can also work through outfits like Greatly Social to get ads onto the Instagram platform and the Twitter platform, which is what I’m doing these days. I go into about 20,000 inboxes a day and am generating about 300 people a day visiting my eStore on alone as well as through my website At the rate I’m going, it will take about 55,000 years to reach all the people on the planet. (chuckling) See why I need your help to build my outreach? All you need is a PayPal account, which is free to set up, so you have a way to receive your commissions as sales happen. THE MASTER’S KEY is sold both through as an eBook, who are located in the UK for THE MASTER’S KEY and through, who is located in New Jersey for a softcover version of THE MASTER’S KEY. Dr. Santee’s book is sold only in eBook form for now, through I offer good commissions too.
Most of the work has already been done for you. This is a turn key operation at this point in time.
Here is a list of the current KFFMenterprises affiliates, who are on board to help serve you.
These affiliates are listed in order of their
geographical location globally.

Emmanuel Egwurube lives in Africa. He is an entrepreneur and budding digital marketer from Lagos, Nigeria. He has domain experiences in Human Resources and Administration as well as Financial Intermediary Services, Sales and Marketing in the organized private sector of the Nigerian economy. He now pursues his passion in healthy living and network marketing. You can email him at the following URL location:

Dmitry Voronkov lives in Russia. He first contacted me when he was listening to one of my two NDE experiences on Youtube. He ordered THE MASTER’S KEY and read it. Afterwards, we talked on SKYPE for a few hours. From then on he wanted to help get my work known by the world. So, we started to work together. You can find his blog at the following URL location:

Mike Santos lives in Texas, the United States. He is married with two children. He also has served in the United States Navy and is a disabled Veteran who understands what it means to have your body compromised by life. This is a loving and compassionate man, with a loving wife and two wonderful children, ready to help you with your questions. These days he is “Mike the Health Book Guy”. You can find his blog at the following URL location: