Sorcerer Musician
This is a 4 track instrumental. All electronic orchestral sketch. Magical. Easy listening. Classical in style. / Click Here to Learn More!
Product Information
The word sorcerer is defined in the dictionary as “someone who performs magic”. For those who only listen to music, but have never taken the journey of composing it, I’m sure what we do as composers must seem like “magic” to the listener. Music is complex to learn, to say the least. It is a life long learning, even as a composer. Like body building, you eventually reach a level of proficiency, where the depth of your knowledge, as a composer, just can’t be put into words. This is where I am these days as a composer and was pretty much there even at age 25. My greatest ability for expressing my love and spiritual level of insight, lies in my ability to express myself through music, both in playing it and writing it.
This wonderful work is only a “orchestral sketch” done in electronic instrument form. It was originally completed back in 1979. One day I would love to write out the full orchestra arrangement I have in mind for this composition. There is so much wonder and awe that can be done with the orchestra for a work like this.
Edgar Casey has stated in one of his readings that the Universe was made of music and light. The light part is correct, given God is an ocean of light the whole thing is made from and suspended inside of, which I was shown in death at age 25. I later found Casey giving a similar description of this great truth when I was reading more of his work after my first NDE. What we NDE’s call “The Light” is what Christians call “The Holy Spirit” and what Buddhist’s call “Vishnu” or what the American Indian calls “The Great White Spirit”. The cover art captures some of what I saw in death of the Universe with my first NDE in 1981. God’s canvass of creation is a void created to hold the re-configurations of his being we call light. His substance is a who, as well as a what I saw in death. I composed Sorcerer Musician as my tribute to our God of light and the awesomeness of his ability to create with such love and precision. What I learned in the Light humbled me even more as a long time student of the arts and sciences for over a life time
This sample presentation is to help you get into the spiritual magic of the creation. This is a remix of the original recording, as I transferred it from reel to reel analog, to digital format. So, raise your hands as you allow the magic of love and the creation to pour through you and to others around you, as you listen to this masterpiece of workmanship I’ve entitled Sorcerer Musician.
© Kevin F. Montague – Bluefire Music Enterprises 1979 and 2012
All Rights Reserved Internationally