Speckled Sands
This little song was inspired by the photo you see as the cover art in this offer. I was sitting in my bedroom one day, home from college for the summer, while staying with my dad and the idea of this beautiful little number came into my mind while I looked upon the poster this image was taken from so long ago, which is now in the public domain. I had nothing more than the new 12 string guitar my mother and my best friend at the time, Don Malin, had picked out for me as a birthday gift. Don is a Catholic, Diocesan priest these days in Colorado. / Click Here to Learn More!
Product Information
When I was first learning the guitar, around age 15, I finally started finding my own style and sound, once I started to study music, as I entered into Loyola University at age 17 and pursued a second major in music. My songs were simple to start, back then, unlike the complexity used in my more advanced arrangements and compositions, as I excelled in music, once I entered my University years. Originally, I had been born a prodigy, but my mother was a restless spirit, who was not too happy with her own life. So I never got the piano lessons I wanted dearly, when I asked her for them at age 5. I had to wait until my late teens to finally get the instructions I wanted at a younger age. So I missed out on my time during the 1960’s and 1970’s, as a result of her ilk in my own life. Too bad I had not been born to parents like Elisey Mysin has these days. Like him, I was a fast learner and very advanced for my age. So I had to wait, until I was in my teens, before I could pursue music on my own, having come from a broken home, my mother created for us all.
This little song was inspired by the photo you see as the cover art in this offer. I was sitting in my bedroom one day, home from Loyola University of Los Angeles for the summer, while staying with my dad and the idea of this beautiful little number came into my mind, while I looked upon the poster, this image was taken from, so long ago. The image is in the public domain theses days. I had nothing more than the new 12 string guitar my mother and my best friend at the time, Don Malin, had picked out for me, as a birthday gift. Don is a Catholic, Diocesan priest these days in Colorado.
When I entered into Loyola University at age 17, I found Dockwhiler Beach near the school, which is just South of Venice Beach, California, my special spot to get away from everyone, pray, talk to God, sort my thoughts out or just write songs, while I sat with my seagulls, who would visit me and not run from me. I was the real Jonathan Livingston Seagull in those days when I look back at it all.
I was starting a spiritual awakening apart from the religions of the world at age 14 and was also getting a good taste of the secular world, once I got into University living. Still, there was a part of me that had nothing to do with this world, a part I brought with me, when I was born. Call it an ethereal or spiritual light in my personality, but I often wrote songs to cheer myself up spiritually, when life would get me down. This is one of those songs. Nothing in my life had been easy and most kids had been cruel to me growing up, even though all I wanted to do was love everyone I met. I always had trouble getting close to other kids, because I was so advanced as a child. I was very different from most children, as I’m sure you’ll hear in this song, as I express myself through my music. I was autistic when I read today’s definition of what defines an autistic child. I was always a shy, quite kid too in many ways and yet when playing with other boys, when we would play space adventure role playing games or war games, I was open and expressive. I was born a asthmatic with bad eye sight too. I could easily remember any complex melody line, but not easily, the lyrics to songs. This is a very odd gift I was given by God when I look back on my life.
The word “prodigy” means “living master in child form” you should know. My mother knew I was vastly different from most kids she had known and knew I was special, but never really knew how to deal with me. Always I was kind, forgiving, loving, yet dynamic in personality and always with health issues. I was a born sensitive and an empath, but she had no experience with such a soul before.
My music store is dedicated to a life time of interesting music works I was able to make time to write amidst all the battles of my life. Not all those musical works have been transferred to digital at this time however. Many never got finished and doubtful will ever appear on this site, because my bad health made it impossible to finish them. However, the ones that did get recorded and converted to digital format I hope will help me gain money support in these latter years of my life.
So, do purchase my songs and instrumental works. Tell your friends about me and encourage them to support me. Your contribution will help me to write more music and also help me with the scientific work I’m doing to help the sick and dying.
Feel free to write a review, but do make it upbeat and let me know you liked what I wrote. I need the encouragement and love too. Isn’t real love what life is all about?
Kevin F. Montague
Music & Lyrics
Composer and Arranger
© Kevin F. Montague 1976 ● All Rights Reserved